
I've lived in Florida my whole cognizant life—central, southeastern, north central, etc—and there are tons of good, family owned restaurants any and everywhere, even in my dinky hometown. Just traveling through doesn't really give you a true idea of what Florida is like.

I live in North Florida and was just completely unprepared for today's high of 37. I don't know if jeans or tights/skirts are warmer, I don't know how many layers to wear under or over my big new sweater, and the warmest boots I own are cowboy boots that feel like a wetsuit on the inside :(

I'm not sure about how Target and Walmart do stuff, but I know that in a lot of franchising cases, the franchise owner is like completely fiscally responsible for the store. Your friend is not even making a drop in the bucket on a global scale, they're just hurting someone who probably, like, lives in their

Especially a man with 50 years of testosterone souring his meat

As far as I can tell

wait wait wait what? discuss

I reaaaaaally love this comment!! I think it's so true that people are overwhelmed by synthetic stinks in our lifestyle.

Be careful with pure essential oils on the skin! Some may make your skin light sensitive, and though lavender is pretty safe, some could irritate!

Not super graphic but it definitely sticks with you and leaves you in a funk. I'd say it's 5-6 out of ten (there are some scenes, but mostly' it's just generally dark)

I watched it when it ran on CNN, and know it's repeated a few times since.

Well, this is north Florida. So there are like four days a year where it's breezy and cool.

I bought some fresh spray roses and tucked the spares in for a day before I dried them! It was doubly lovely.

I WANTED A PINK TINSEL TREE but target AND home depot were out so I got a white tinsel tree that's a bit opalescent, so the orchid lights (PANTONE STOLE MY TREE IDEA) make it glitter pink and teal. The overall effect is quite fetching:

My parents bought larger-bulbed white LEDs for their tree, which I helped put up after Thanksgiving. They bought "warm white" ones, which help the brightness problem, but my mom swears they're subtly flickering and it gives her a headache.

I have a similar tree this year! White tinsel, pink lights, big teal crystal-looking ornaments. I bought a strand of Hello Kitty lights, but ended up putting them above my bed instead.

NOT EVEN just the Big 10. I go to the goddamn University of Florida and they break out the NF as soon as the weather dips below 60.

As long as you have a decent-sized yard or someone in the house can take the pup on 2-4 mile runs a couple times a week, they're fine house dogs. Always let you know when someone's at the door, and are smart enough to learn a ton of cool tricks.

also a literal Nazi

Yes!! And I was just reading that he was an amateur marine biologist and huge advocate of the oceans in his spare time, too. It's always a shame when a famous person dies young, but especially when they're one of the good ones.