My team is all normal pokemon—two starters and four others that I caught early on. I don't run any meta-game and only try to build my team based on type effectiveness and which baby pokemon are the cutest. I still win a ton of online battles.
My team is all normal pokemon—two starters and four others that I caught early on. I don't run any meta-game and only try to build my team based on type effectiveness and which baby pokemon are the cutest. I still win a ton of online battles.
I gave away a bunch of decent shinxes and amauras for the same reason!
In my vast experience, people of certain cultures don't dress up like that culture on halloween. So, marking it as a red flag instead of a serious offense.
Also the cultural appropriation in her halloween costume mad me sad.
does arbor mist blackberry merlot count as red wine?
Either that, or they no longer have a relationship.
This article was very good and obviously came from an emotional place but the racial slur at the beginning was hard to get past
I caught a shiny ponyta in Pearl, too! It was my third day ever of playing pokemon, and I had to ask my boyfriend why it was blue. He was pretty jealous, because in eleven years of pokemon playing he only caught a shiny rhyhorn.
My shiny ponyta/rapidash from Pearl had great IVs! I don't remember its nature, but it wasn't terrible. Of course, that was my first game of pokemon ever and I based my team on which first evolutions were the cutest.
I never played pokemon until my freshman year of college when my boyfriend gave me his old DS and a copy of pearl.
I feel like it was late 90s because I'm 20 and remember seeing them as a kid? They were in a few movies, yeah.
I just hate that after twelve years of wearing bras, my 20 year old body cannot handle holding my boobs up sans-bra.
I was really excited to have a dishwasher at my new apartment until i realized it was almost thirty years old and only makes the dishes dirtier
God I miss that show. SOOOO GOOOOD
God I miss that show. SOOOO GOOOOD
My home ec class (8th grade, 2006-ish) was a big disappointment.
I went X/Chespin/Charmander and my boyfriend went Y/Fennekin/Squirtle. Our anniversary was the 9th so we bought each other's games.
No way dude! Sail fossil is Ice/Rock with an ability that turns normal type moves (like Return) into Ice Type moves!!