Truuuuuuth. She's one of my favorite writers here and it makes me physically ill to see the way she gets treated
Truuuuuuth. She's one of my favorite writers here and it makes me physically ill to see the way she gets treated
Me too! There actually used to be one IIRC and they removed it?!
i do like some of the ones that are fairy tale readings and stuff, but one of the best videos i've seen was just some dude rummaging through a giant box of crayons in super high def sound
haha. the weird ones to me are always the roleplay ones, where they pretend to check you in at the doctor's office or something
literally hypnotic
no i just don't get why your #1 listed reason for not liking a game is that you like overworlds when the game you're dissing has the biggest overworld in the series
I haven't gotten to the quick sail yet, but even without it the addition of the tingle bottles really improves the sailing! There's something to look for (and at) instead of just monotony, and the fact that the whole game file is only 2 GBs lets the whole map be rendered at once so you can actually see islands…
th...the ocean...the ocean is the overworld??
It drove me crazy, too! Just tap the minus button on the gamepad.
The first wii u bundle was nintendoland, not zombie u
Sorry, but where exactly can you get if for that price? The cheapest I've EVER seen it used is ~$30 in the US
Nope, sorry, don't care.
If you want to eat chain Italian for Olive Garden money GO TO CARRABBA'S
Yeeesssss. It's all very Paltrow. NTM that some jobs (Reporter, for one, hello future, also actors and tons of other jobs) REQUIRE large amounts of makeup?? There are literally millions of reasons to wear makeup and SURPRISE NOT ALL OF THEM ARE ROOTED IN SELF ESTEEM PROBLEMS
my LEAST FAVORITE PART of every Jez article remotely pertaining to makeup.
This might sound counter-intuitive, but Julep's Cleansing Oil is the best thing ever. It cuts through makeup like a commercial for dish grease removal and smells really good, plus it doesn't strip my face of all oils (which causes breakouts for me) like a lot of other cleansers and soaps do. It does the removal and…
Sighs, anticipates wave of comments where non-makeup wearers scoff at makeup wearers and make grand assumptions as to why we 'pile slop on our faces'
I had a weird, cool mom, which I suspect is because she was fairly young when she had me (25) but also college educated (at the huge state school where I now go).
*weeps for lack of pocari sweat in America*