The Little Mermaid had a straight to DVD prequel where you learn how her mom died.
The Little Mermaid had a straight to DVD prequel where you learn how her mom died.
when I've had a long, bad day, my boyfriend lets me be the top starfish. We call it smushes. Sometimes I grab the sides of the bed and declare LAST OF THE TRIALS! and then he has to fight his way out.
My bf has back problems, and I also heat up like a fire type Pokemon at night, so he's grown to hate cuddling. It sucks, because I am a total cuddle fiend. He's ok with cuddling while we're awake, but once it's time to sleep he turns his back to me. It usually ends with me subconsciously trying to be the big spoon in…
I try to avoid gamestop at all costs, so I'm sort of disconnected from any real frame of reference there.
You can literally get that game for $8 on amazon
Barring your doors doesn't do anything when your attacker is already inside, unfortunately.
That's terrible. It sounds like it's similar to the way sexual assaults are handled on Native Reservations in the US, because each reservation is technically a sovereign nation, so the state or county policy of the surrounding area have no jurisdiction and crimes like that go to the FBI. It's terrible.
A bunch of my mom's coworkers are going on a heavily discounted Carnival cruise soon and yesterday they asked my mom and the woman she shares an office with if they wanted to go. My mom politely declined, and then the other woman said, "Carnival? Ain't those the boats where the poop takes over?"
my bf made me some of those goofy love coupons for valentine's day and the last time he was being mean I handed him the one for rubs and the one that meant he had to procure me jellybeans
Maybe I'm not in the wig-know, but wouldn't it be sort of hard to hide that much hair under a tiny, very short wig? Wouldn't her head look a lot bigger?
Do it! My mom has really curly hair like that, and she had it at that length for a long time. In the last year, she went full pixie, and I think next summer she's thinking to shave it all off and let her grays grow in naturally (she's been a slave to hair color my whole life).
"two non-dark people"
My little sister and some of my friends are at different places in extremely competitive swimming (one friend is an Olympian, sister currently at a meet for some of the best kids in the country) and that crowd is ALL ABOUT THE LULUs. You'd think they all had sponsorship deals or something (they don't.)
Other M is the worst Metroid game by a long shot and devalued Samus as one of the best video game characters ever, and the game doesn't play like any other Metroid game (exploration? ha! finding upgrades? ha!)
Pssssssst...It's "calling the quarters," not "calling the corners"
The Wonderful 101 and the COMPLETELY NEW MONOLITH GAME??
It's so mind-bogglingly stupid. I'm glad Nintendo doesn't pay it much mind.
Do it! There are so many games out already that I literally don't have time for all of them. It's hands down my favorite console I've ever owned.