Bad Kitten On A Rampage

Thank you for covering this - my exact take was “any women in that editorial meeting, lads?

That was Woody Harrelson. It would have been a very different movie with Woody Allen in that part!

The novel explicitly says the hotel doesn’t go after Wendy, Duvall’s character, because she is too strong. It goes after Jack because he’s weak. The hotel realises Wendy is a threat, and that’s why it tries to get Jack to kill her. None of this is in the movie, Kubrick turned an interesting, strong female character

LCD auto-star

ETA: autoplay = please don’t

And Mel Gibson still hasn’t recovered from his Braveheart director.

I’m certain you’re not right on at least one of those. Uwe Boll, though, does torture us all.

I also agree with King that Nicholson doesn’t play it like a descent into madness, but rather as if he’s there from the beginning.

Yeah. This is one reason I fucking hate Kubrick and have literally trashed casual friendships over people defending this in the name of art. (I’ve trashed more longstanding friendships over Polanski but that’s a different matter.)

Autoplay is always a startling and obnoxious thing when multiple tabs are open. Always takes me a second to find the right one.

She likely disagrees with this gentleman’s viewpoints on some level since she headed a local chapter of the “Republican Woman for Hillary” in Utah.

Most staffers for senators and representatives are not appointees. They are just people who need a job and want to work in government. Lots are kids fresh out of college and they can go work for a senator from their home state. If you’re from Utah, you’re not going to get a job with a democratic senator from Utah if

Does it really matter who she worked for? She has some great advice and she clearly recognizes how this target audience is feeling. I’m sharing this article...I was motivated by her tweets yesterday and it’s good advice.

Don’t be a dick. Even if she agrees with the toolbag, she’s offering sound political advocacy advice to an obviously liberal audience.

I think this was the woman who was interviewed by This American Life in their last episode. Don’t dismiss her, she had a lot of very smart things to say and everything she said about how congress works is absolutely correct.

Yes! I’m in Louisiana, and I just signed up to phone bank, and donated as well. If we have 49 Democrats in the Senate, we only need two non-batshit Republicans (they still make those, right?) to stop a bill. Please donate if you can.

But in order to win in Louisiana these are the position he must take, I’m fine with that as long as he believes in helping the marginalized and goes against trump

“Tchumpnacht”...I laughed and then cried at that term.