
Uh, what? No they’re not. They talk CONSTANTLY through the performances.

This is “sexist” to the extent that having body checking in mens but not womens hockey is “sexist”. This piece seems to suggest that absent these differences and historical discrepecies in training and resources allocated, women would be able to compete against men on a level playing field, which is just not true. In

I know it’s not a winter sport, but how was tennis or golf not even touched upon in this article?

you worked in the ticket department, this is about an owner and a CEO. Apples to oranges.

It doesn’t correspond well with the image he projects on TV though, of the savvy entrepreneur who sees through the bullshit and calls others on it, that he’s a no-nonsense business wiz. Now that he’s saying I wasn’t paying attention to that whole side of my business, my employees were keeping me in the dark, it’s not

blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.Is there any accountability in your nonsense?

Yo, Aimee, Derren Brown has done loads of documentaries debunking pseudoscience and supposed miracles. He makes no pretence that what he does is magical or gifted. But he does do what he does, and regularly tours live.

i watched the all star game i watched the weekend activities i know what this is all about. the nba needs to tone down it use of “sexy” and not become a foreign sport like france do. too many players acting like pimps and their big coats and clothing. look at paul goldschmidt and other players dressing fine. look at

or just drop it

Had she gone low like she tried, she would’ve been fine. Instead, she hamfisted it full left lock putting her car in a slide that sent it to the high side of track with the wrecking cars in front. Danica standard.

A more skilled driver would be more likely to avoid it.

Hot take: she’s not a good driver

Ooo no! A driver that’s raced for over a decade and has failed to deliver any results crashed out of final race. Hardly important news IMO.

At least her boyfriend works for State Farm, so her rates shouldn’t be affected too much.

This is getting nauseating.

Until she wins an Olympic gold, you’re not going to be able to make the argument that she is the best of all time. Like it or not, she has failed to win on the world’s biggest stage. It is the same standard applied across all sports. Dale Earnhardt until he won Daytona. Phil Mickelson until he won a major. John Elway

Lett had a good career and was a dominant player. But he’s most remembered for celebrating a touchdown before crossing the goal line. She’ll be most remembered for that similar stunt in Torino. That may seem unfair to you, but it can’t be helped.

The whole premise of this article Are we supposed to feel bad for the Knierims? Proud of them for skating in a circle well after watching the news? I expected them to be from Parkland, or something. I’m sure a lot of NBA and NHL players had a similar experience this evening.

how do you know he hadn’t done that privately with the person in question

I come for the sports dong, but I stay for the endless updates on mediocre Eastern conference basketball teams.