
This isn’t even relevant. That is a different country who is our enemy at the moment. This sounds like it was written in North Korea by the dictator himself. There is no connection whatsoever. If you’re going to criticize the White House, go ahead because you won’t lack material, but please don’t write junk like this

he wasnt complaining, he was asking for an article on a related subject that he is more interested in.

First, obviously the implication is that I am not a long term commenter, no reason to be smug. This site is already far enough up its own ass. Second, a “non-grey”. Jesus. There is a conversation in the non-greys right now where a guy asked if someone was at the olympics.

I would come up with some witticism here, which may or may not include my ongoing feud with deadspin commenters posting irrelevant Simpsons gifs on every article, but said witticism would be in vain as it would languish in ‘Pending.’ Could deadspin discuss the process by which comments go from Pending to Approved? Do

Clicks to the article are not the same as clicks to his channel and videos, but you knew that right?

What is Kotaku’s obsession with this kid?

Why does Kotaku devote so many articles to this guy? I had never even heard of him until his scandal became regular news fodder on this website, and I don’t see any other gaming or entertainment sites I frequent talk about him at all. Yet I see repeated articles about him filling the news feed here. What is Kotaku’s

psst...bloggers, yea you. i hate to be that guy (famous last words for people KNOWING they dont hate being that guy) but shame doesnt work the same way it used to. these type of articles used to be the beginning of the end for habitual line crossers...but not anymore. all these takedowns or criticisms do is inflame

No one here or involved has the credentials to differentiate between attention-seeking behavior and legitimate. And if you’re wrong once, just once, you helped cause a suicide no matter how you spin it.

quite the takeaway

How about you guys stop talking about this asshole, sick and tired of hearing about him...

Deadspin is WOKE bro, we should believe women except when we don’t want to!

Ok, I’m gonna say it. Shani Davis kinda looks like a sore loser here.

Hot take: John Wall is secretly butt.

So, how do you propose a network cover a combined 185 event days equalling however many hours of action?

Yeah, can’t get by on $500k for a couple of years before arbitration.

So, the union collectively bargained, the union failed, and now you want MLB to blame itself? Wowwwwwwww

Marginally talented one-dimension players with offers in the 100's of millions of dollars reject offers.

The A’s were only one game under .500 after the All Star break last year, things are looking up for them. And it’s not like they don’t have a recent history of periodic swings between bad and good.

Cobb has definitely built up that reputation for itself, but it did go blue in 2016. It’s slowly but steadily changing.