
Products aren’t “Black” even if mostly black people use them. Most likely Walmart analyzed data to determine as narrowly as possible what products are stolen and require extra security, whether locking them in cases/containers, electromagnetic lanyards or tags, or escorting customers to the checkout. In the situation

I have tons of legitimate reasons why I despise Donald Trump based on his attitudes, rhetoric and policies that can actually have real-life harmful impacts on real life people in this country. I have no ability to get up in arms/frankly give a shit at all about who Trump banged and whether she spanked him with

Everything in this post is either fact or previously reported and well documented allegations, apart from me questioning whether or not he’s out of touch based on an overwhelming amount of evidence.

Yep, my agenda is pointing out your bullshit.

No, what I’m interested in is pointing out your specific bullshit, which you’ve now begun to backpedal. Glad you’ve backpedaled, but it doesn’t make your original pleas for silence any better.

Yep, Hillary is the real victim here, totally.

She was sexually harassed. Complained about it and they made her move offices so they could keep the sexual harasser. Are you seriously pretending it was no big deal? You don’t see how it might hurt a victim to be banished to a new office so they can keep the guy that harassed you close?

“As I told istari, I’d love to see an article comparing the actions of those around the offenders.”

The much more interesting, and directly relevant question is, why should we “stop talking about Hillary Clinton” when she directly shielded a sexual harasser, forced the victim into a different job, and has now tried to champion this woman’s voice when Clinton was directly responsible for having silenced her in the

Not much shocks me anymore, but holy shit, the level of gaslighing in these tweets is fucking bonkers.

Imagine thinking you’re qualified to be president after getting shook by a question from a hack morning show host.

The analogy was Louis CK v Clinton which is grossly unfair.

It’s cool that HRC was both running for President and in charge of HR at the same time.

This complaint was no an exception.

I feel like the fact that your first comment misquoted the article

What did she do?

I feel like the fact that your first comment misquoted the article means your opinion doesn’t matter to me. Threats aren’t nice.

Ummm... this is completely tone-deaf right? She’s trying to get some credit for supporting this woman now when it doesn’t appear she did in 2008? “We deserve to be heard.” She was heard when she spoke up, by you Hillary, and you determined this guy important enough to your campaign to slap him on the wrist and just

She was moved to a different *office*; she didn’t lose her job. That’s a big difference as being moved to a different roll could be a demotion.

So....the victim complained and SHE got moved to a different job? Brilliant!