
It’s pretty easy to miss the point when you have no intention of getting it in the first place

I mean, you’re the one that essentially implied people of color are criminals in the headline, are you trying to say that the headline doesn’t read like that?

So standards can never change? Are you saying then that its OK for guys to slap girls around because it used to be more-or-less encouraged and we shouldn’t change the standard today? Interesting.

Remember when there was a time that Deadspin was always upset about the NFL not caring about players breaking the law? You know like Ray Rice knocking out his girlfriend? Now someone says that shit isn’t ok and they will have zero tolerence for it and somehow that’s now bad?

I still can’t believe liberals don’t get this act.

We are obviously not one. Who wants to live in a world without differences?

Jesus, you fuckers are sensitive.

These are all perfectly reasonable demands except the wall. Parents of these individuals shouldn’t be reward for causing this stupid situation. Increasing enforcement avoids situations like this in the future.

It’s still a good analogy for the point he was making.

Do you even understand why you want immigrants yourself?

Why do you guys hate border security so much?

It’s nice that all you can do is insult my intelligence instead of actually come up with any sort of retort.

Hot take: if you’re in this country illegally, whether by your own means or those of your parents you should be removed.

If I sneak my family into Disney World and upon getting caught try arguing that “Well, let the kids stay because they were just brought along.” would you buy that?

No one would.

These people shouldn’t

Hi i have social anxiety issues and that sounds like heaven to me.

Ah, once again the Democrats are most concerned about being seen as the “reasonable” party that is willing to work together and compromise.

These are the 33 Democrats who probably think Lucy will let Charlie Brown finally kick that football too.

This is a pilot program, it’s supposed to be limited in scope. Amazon will surely figure out how to integrate SNAP on the final program, that just takes time. Otherwise, they would be turning away a lot of willing, paying customers, which is a terrible business decision. The bigger question is does this mean for

Per Associate Press Style, the style used by the vast majority of news outlets, “Dr.” is never used with a person’s name, unless that person is a “doctor” as in “physician.” Doesn’t matter who the person is — everybody is treated according to this rule in reporting. Hope this helps.

if your in the i am...its because you hold a slight conservative view..thats the problem with these forum can be silenced just by others who dont agree with your view type...if anything..I view these pages are ultra liberal and only supportive of things they like

I can’t imagine that this will help Dr. Epps’ situation. In fact, her brother may have just ensured that she’ll never be reassigned to a flight.