That really sucks, but it’s hard to blame on anyone but the owner.
That really sucks, but it’s hard to blame on anyone but the owner.
The media shows Americans what they want to see/read. They aren’t the problem. Americans are.
His role is slightly bigger than hers (he does the narration, typically drives the narrative forward) so I would expect a small difference in their acting fee (e.g., he makes 125K vs her 115-120). But significant? That seems really off.
It would have taken 30 seconds, and he has 86,350 other seconds on that one day to enjoy this honor.
Finding out and quoting how many days the average person lives sounds petty.
This year can we not alienate the shit out of WOC? It was a shit show with BLM and Native American women. I’m looking at you, fellow white women.
(I am so sorry, I feel this will be a very unpopular opinion, please be gentle with your rebuttals.) I have gotten turned off from this march because of the folks in my social media feed who are so into it: these are the women who are all about taking a selfie and immediately posting it to FB to shout at everyone…
As long as drag queens don’t presume to tell trans folks what is and isn’t offensive, we got no beef here.
Deadspin is “progressive” in the same way Jordan Sargent is “tolerant”
I think he’s just throwing the ball down in disappointment/frustration?
The default “it’s a cliche, therefore it must be wrong that we get everyday on Deadspin is just as problematic as the default “it’s a cliche, therefore it must be right” we get over on ESPN. It seems pretty clear to me that something psychological like “desire” is at play here— it’s understandable that she might have…
Are you really young or do you know a lot of dudes who are like in bands that haven’t blown up yet or their professional video gamer careers haven’t taken off? Almost every grown man I know works and can afford a house, car, food, gf/wife, kids, etc or he’s a fulltime student or in training for something.
Despite the other replies here, I have seen it a-plenty. I don’t approve of it. I think it’s horrible but it is sadly still a thing.
or be a mature adult and talk to your SO about what’s going on. actually, it would’ve been a great idea to do that in the first place. no clue why she would let it go this long, clearly not ready for a relationship if you can’t have a simple conversation with your partner.
Can’t help but think about if the situation was reversed. Freeloading girlfriend living with a boyfriend who pays all the bills is pretty close to “normal”. Prevalent societal attitudes say “if you’re getting laid on the reg, stop complaining”.
This is the 5th LaVar Ball story on Deadspin today.
Let’s look at the actual track record.
Black Museum was my favorite episode this season because of all the themes you brought to light here. And, even though the justice was incomplete, there was some satisfaction in the end.
It isn’t like Americans rejected Michelle Kwan and Kristy Yamaguchi for being Asian Americans. Though from what I have seen of their skating, none of these current ladies will go anywhere near the accomplishments of those two.