
The most interesting part to me any time something like this happens is watching to see who exactly pretends they don’t know exactly what the second word was.

Buried ledes:

Right, so the reason behind this is that the US has a visa waiver with most countries (which Europe is helpfully thinking of rescinding because our current Cheetolini keeps fucking up our own visa waivers for their citizens) and that stamp or ticket you get when entering most of those countries is for — wait for it — n

Great work? They asked for a publicly available file that will ultimately lead to nothing other than rich rod maybe losing some money. Woodward and Bernstein they are not. Can we most past lavishing praise upon people for doing the most basic aspects of their job?

Did I “prove” something? lol. It’s just a fucking picture of a comedy legend playing a hilarious character.

Whatever this movie is gonna kick ass

“He calls her claims “baseless and false” and says that the university “determined that there was no truth to any of her accusations and found me innocent of any wrongdoing.” That’s markedly different from the language the university used to describe the investigation’s conclusion, which was that “the specific

This reads like “how to build a case for relocating a sports team in the very near future.” Claim you need more fan support to be viable; fail to get said support; run back to the owners begging to move to Vegas or whatever.

Like your race can’t side with the Dark Lord and not expect to be treated differently.

I think that does a disservice to each of these players. Jones I’ll give you was probably just good to really good as a hitter for his whole career, while playing transcendent defense early on and accumulating good #’s due to career longevity.

Specifically tied to playing in MLB except for players specifically barred from playing in the MLB- it might seem like a technicality but I think the distinction is pretty important. I don’t doubt that when a player like Matsui is eligible for the VC he will get significantly more push than the writers might because

I’m not sure why it’s Larry Walker’s fault they decided to put a baseball team in Colorado, or why he (or other Rockies) gets punished for it. Do we think he would have been shit playing somewhere else? Besides, almost all players do better in their home park....

Basketball’s Hall is a general “basketball” hall of fame with no direct tie to the NBA- eligibility for baseball’s Hall of Fame is specifically tied to playing/participating in MLB with exceptions for Negro League players who were specifically barred from playing in MLB.

I watched Equanimity and it had me laughing. Remember that Chappelle is over 40 so he is finally getting in some “i’m so out of touch” jokes.

“ In this case, it was pretty clearly a white supremacist gesture.” Trump flashes that sign every day, he just likes to do it.

Seriously this is one of the dumbest fucking takes I’ve ever read. You can’t just assign “context” to every fucking thing you want and make it mean whatever you want. Seriously this shit is

Aww let it go Rex, we’re better off without you!

Until today I literally had no idea that the “OK” sign was now a white power thing.


I’m as anti-Trump as you can get but I’m having a hard time with this one.

“it was pretty clearly a white supremacist gesture”

It does. You’re making it something it’s not.

Or maybe the schmuck just didnt know that what most people think means “ok” means something more to some people. Jesus, you guys are worse than the right sometimes.