Pirating work, from the same people who throw a shitfit every time a media outlet sells out and openly advocates unionization.
Pirating work, from the same people who throw a shitfit every time a media outlet sells out and openly advocates unionization.
Way to support journalism?
I walked out of the theater with my wife, the “not Star Wars person” whom has now become a Star Wars person due to marrying me and my inherent “fanfom” and felt very weird. The movie wasn’t what I wanted, wasn’t what I expected, all my internal story for what happened next and the movie I WOULD HAVE MADE was crushed.…
I dunno, the movie sorta stunk in my eyes. There were some strange scenes that felt rushed, bland and poorly directed. Could’ve been better in my humble opinion.
You can’t expect people to have sympathy for your situation, or in any way want to help you if you’re telling the average joe with a good job (engineers, for example) to “fuck off”.
Yes. Everyone agrees. Because we’re all the same as you, and super quick to judge things as GREAT or TERRIBLE. Good job.
“If someone is neither rich nor poor, what are they?”
I love these kneejerk articles. Some rich people aren’t to be admired. Some should even be dismantled. But a lot of them aren’t mustache-twirling baddies, just people with good business sense who earned their money. “The Rich” are just some leftover fantasy antagonist from that half-baked counterculture movement from…
wait are you serious, do you think those are the only two classifications?
Rich and poor are not the only options.
“Basically, it sounds like he considered himself untouchable, and is very annoyed to be facing consequences for his actions.”
No, it doesn’t sound like this at all, as can be seen by the quotes attributed to him directly above this disingenuous dismissal.
We do not live in the days of Rome and Barbarians though. If the United States collapsed, the rich would probably move to another country. Most their assets are outside the country these days anyways.
They almost had to amputate his leg...
Baldwin has repeatedly made excuses for sexual offenders, like Dustin Hoffman, and he’s clearly a sexist jackass, but has he ever admitted or been accused of sexual harassment?
Yes, but that isn’t the point. Why is the bar always set as Trump’s level, as if to say “yes, x is a racist, sexist, homophobic jackass but let’s not talk about that because of Trump...”?
I get that Tate is shifty as hell, but what the fuck kind of form is that from the defender?
“Men are afraid that women will kill them for insurance money.”
It’s not the sandwich, it’s the particular shape of the bread that may be protected, and it’s under trademark law rather than copyright. Think Coca-Cola’s bottle shape, it’s been registered for ages. It’s not especially common, the shape can’t be functional, which is an interesting point of law here due to the…
Dude wtf, the P’Zone was great. I worked at Pizza Hut during that time. It was the perfect employee meal until they made it so you can only get a Personal Pan Pizza.
The P’zones from the Pizza Hut near me (that recently closed and is being replaced with another fucking verizon store) were amazing 100% of the time.