
You can simultaneously understand Jim’s implication and still feel annoyed he used a dated, hokey aphorism to describe it. It doesn’t help any to keep perpetuating a myth that Asians and Mexicans operating businesses in America can’t or won’t speak English.

If we’re thanking black women for showing up in higher than expected numbers for winning an election, are we also now blaming black women for showing up in lower than expected numbers for losing elections (cough 2016 cough)?

Presumably the whole counterfeit bill thing made it stand out. 

I don’t know about you, but I never:

How is this significantly different from Gizmodo media’s use of language?

I thought this was going about the mildly pleasant Patrick Wilson. I’m glad it wasn’t.

Right - an ugly xmas sweater is something Aunt Ginnie gave you 20 years ago, that you reluctantly put on in her presence because she’s old as dirt. It’s not something you ironically purchased in 2017 at Target for a party.

I’m not defending anyone here but I simply want to let it be known that if I got drunk at a party when I was 21 or 22 and may have grabbed a little ass and you just now feel compelled to speak up about it that will most undoubtedly destroy my life from here on, be prepared to have it dragged out in court.

I guess I don’t get the jab. I would’ve thought the Sacagewea coin represented female empowerment. If it’s a symbol of a victory for women, why would she want to be rewarded with an old dead white guy?

It’s not women. It’s Hillary.

Jesus, people are still trying to blame everything but Hillary Clinton herself for Hillary Clinton’s loss. What’s next, you going to pull the “If you voted third party YOU’RE JUST AS MUCH TO BLAME” card too? How far down the rabbit hole does this still have to go before maybe admitting that Clinton wasn’t the great

Dirt tastes better than dog shit, but that still doesn’t mean I’m going to eat it.

Yeah, that’s not actually a distinction we need to concern ourselves with right now. Oh, and it absolutely is something Hoffman has been accused of in multiple instances by several people.

Jesus Christ.

An article endorsing people getting banned from social media for expressing opinions you disagree with, than another lamenting the same fate befalling those you find more cordial posted a few hours later.

Even Brietbart isn’t so painfully lacking in self awareness, oblivious to irony.

The bans are algorithmic based on reports, if my understanding is correct. The people are getting banned because they are being mass reported, not because of the thing they said that led them to be mass reported. It’s not as though some dude working at Facebook is scrolling through and sees a post that says “men are

What do you mean? They only mention that Jimmy Kimmel is the host very briefly.

I was the biggest defender of this show back in late-season 3, but even I don’t know what to think anymore. This episode was just not good. It’s been like that ever since Pamela and Glenn left. They need to change things up in some way. I remember I used to hate the Melissa character, but it seems like she’s the only

“I doubt most, if not all, of the women involved in this sketch were aware of what these guys were up to”

I feel like every AVC review of SNL is “guest star was great, episode was OK.”

Were all of Kevin Spacey’s victims gay men?