
The only one I can think of was when John Lassater was accused of harassing Rashida Jones, which she said didn’t happen. That came among other stuff that apparently did happen, but it was still inaccurate.

I like the way “few fewer” sounded. Sue me.

Buying cars, it sounds like.

Except its opening on the same day as Star Wars...

Why was it stupid? It’s not much different from other supercar manufacturers. Considering they are probably barely breaking even or even losing money on every sale, only making 1,000 of them is smart. Not to mention, Multimatic probably doesn’t have the capacity needed to build more than that.

Actually, I have previously called this account out for trolling, but the story of being unemployed has been pretty consistent. It costs me nothing to extend courtesy to someone who may be down on their luck. I’m not blinded by anything.

Honestly, if I talk to another Black White person and they aren’t militant about their Blackness county being taken from them, I know they can’t be trusted. Coons the Snow flake Liberals will sell us out for a pat on the head and a less severe beating from massa all these liberal race traitors.

cool story bro. never happened. and I doubt you are a lawyer.

the consequences of your plan would be multiple felony charges. and in some (most?) jurisdictions you may even be brought up on child endangerment charges. enjoy the rest of you life on the sex offender registry. protect your children but don’t be an idiot about it. you can’t assault a child to protect your own child.

okay bae. I respect that. Hope you have a good day.

Yeah, no one is buying the “both sides are bad, vote Republican” bullshit these days

If you are arguing that South Park is receiving lower grades because of the show’s criticism of liberal ideas, you are indeed offering yet another ‘conspiracy against conservatives’ argument.

Yes, everything is a great conspiracy against conservatives

weird to see your grades for South Park get gradually lower as they continue to level out their criticisms of both Conservatives and Liberals, and point out the hypocrisies of each.

If you don’t know the names of the people who ring you up at the bodega on a near daily basis, you’re kind of a shitty person

any updates on the sexual assault allegations against Greg Howard by a former Gawker employee, or is that still getting ignored in your offices?

Nah, she’s still a golf bag filled with suck. Professional damsel, cracked under pressure from the bad guys and had to be rescued again, and finally got married to Oliver when she discovered an evil alternative universe version of him who didn’t like her and married Supergirl instead.

Loved this movie but I am a middle-aged white guy who likes Judd Apatow movies. This movie is white cheddar with mayonnaise on white bread.

I’m not into esports myself, but seeing Deadspin commenters getting triggered by the mere presence of esports articles has become one of my favorite things on the site.

This whole thing is sssssuch a blatant attempt to emulate/catch up to Barstool.