Longtime fan who’s very happy with Songs Of Experience.
This review was an epic hatchet job.
Longtime fan who’s very happy with Songs Of Experience.
This review was an epic hatchet job.
So because you don’t enjoy a particular newscaster on a TV show you probably don’t watch, you’re happy to hear that he made life awful for women he worked with. Gotcha’.
The news that more women were sexually harassed made your morning?
You don’t seem to understand that exchanges are a thing. If I had 10,000 BTC in a wallet, I could sell them right now on Kraken or Coinbase or Exmo for ~$99.87m in USD, extract my cash and dump it into a checking account and literally have $99.87m. It’s not like your money is trapped in BTC or even in crypto. You can…
check and check
When you ignore emotions like resentment and guilt, you also aren’t teaching a child how to properly manage those emotions. That’s severely unhealthy, and would lead to something like depression.
The thing is, all of those emotions are natural. It is not only important, but critical, that we teach children how those…
“It tells the child s/he is guilty, and therefore bad.” - You do realize that sometimes children are bad. You act like this is a horrible thing for child. This is part of their development.
Perhaps we should define what guilt is to us. For me, it’s the connection between another’s pain and my responsibility for causing it. A child can have empathy without accepting their moral responsibility for causing harm. That connection, what I call guilt, is essential.
Lots of Walking Dead fans are getting hung up on the timeline of this but consider this. Who cares about the timeline? The timeline doesn’t matter. What matters is no matter what new character they add Fear the Walking Dead will continue to be boring horrible crap. Just like The Walking Dead.
I believe they call that The Melo Effect™
I don’t think Charlie Rose abusing women made him better at being a journo.
I don’t know if I agree with the concept of awards being revocable; I don’t even mean it in the sense of anything being excusable, just that if something comes to light later that taints you or your organization, then you’re fucking tainted. Live with it.
I did not say it doesn’t exist, I’m saying Peele has changed for the worse. He came up from Second City, made a beloved show and a beloved movie and now he takes himself far, far too seriously, as his recent ridiculous comments about his work and the globes attest to. I’m bummed as a fan. I don’t want him to go the…
You sound like an unpleasant prick. Your mom should have aborted.
Trumps actions are hurting a lot of black people, but why should only black celebs like Tiger Woods take personal responsibility for them? Why is the onus especially on black people? It’s the same mindset that holds Ivanka Trump more accountable than her brothers.
I love Get Out. I love Jordan Peele. I hate Trump. And I’m indifferent about Tiger Woods. But Woods has every right to play golf with whoever he wants
Yeah and he’s such a smart well spoken young man too.
What a thoughtful well-spoken young man. Shame on Tennessee for mistreating him this way...
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