
do you always just ask people how you should think? Asking for myself.


So you no longer like his music? Weird.

stop clicking on posts about people you deem stupid then. If the stats were low, these sites wouldn’t write about them. Pretty simple.

It has been hilarious watching people implode and all of a sudden call Kanye racist, sexist, Uncle Tom, etc... They are literally proving why he feels this way.

yes. How dare a guy exit your group think!

call me when you experience half the pain of a Latino or American Indian in this country. K thx.

Panama Jackson sounds like an immature hack

then quit contributing to “call-out culture”

Yeah, this is a “serious journalist” who has earned her position through “merit”

I’m not white. Joy Ann Reid is a hack. This isn’t her first lie. She’s basically Blackbart in the bullshit she spreads. But you do you. Make excuses for homophobes and liars. Cool story.

she wasn’t hacked dude. Just stop.

I did not know Haddonfield, IL looked so much like Chareston, SC. Weird.

Well, turns out Feige thought wrong.


haha. Thank you!

I honestly don’t think it would’ve worked yet in 2000. It would’ve been ahead of its time.

or a Thirtysomething cast reunion

Any idea if I need to watch that McAvoy movie before this or no? That movie just doesn’t interest me, but if I need to sit thru it to be caught up to this I will

This Guy