Sad news, but at least Games Maya is going out on a high note.
Sad news, but at least Games Maya is going out on a high note.
Because you’re actually creating NTFS junction points, which is, essentially, like placing blue and orange portals on your filesystems.
“Put simply, the new trade cooldowns ruin the experience of the average CSGO player who wishes to use items.”
That doesn’t make sense. Why would using a Nyko dock render the Switch unable to connect to a Nintendo dock after a Switch firmware update?
I guess I dont understand here. Everything worked fine, nintendo launched a patch and now the switch is broken and you blame the dock? Maybe I read something wrong but this seems like nintendo’s fault at around 110% of the blame.
I would love to see this compared to a professional sports contract. I think NBA players have more freedom than this.
I have been in industry for 18 years now. I always love to congratulate people that make it past year 5, but I know most won’t.
We need protection from horrible bosses just like all industries do. I think we need a union mostly for healthcare and retirement.
My father was in the electrical union until he retired, and…
As I pointed out in the piece, that’s already happening. The only reason that big game companies haven’t outsourced EVERY aspect of game development is because the talent isn’t there. Publishers are already trying to cut costs and maximize profits at every turn; unionizing is not going to change that. Publishers will…
I was also one of those people that won my first game (7 kills) and I’m terrible at these games. The bot thing is kind of brilliant. It definitely made me want to keep playing.
...the hell you talking about?
Very possible, but I doubt it. Not because I’m a fan of the US military but it’s usually the army that causes problems in Korea and that’s usually centered around the men stationed at Yongsan Garrison in Seoul. Also the navy base itself is a bit away from Busan.
To be honest, my bet is that someone tried to climb on…
US Navy headquarters in South Korea is located in Busan, so it could well have been a drunk US sailor.
Gwangbok Ro is a heavy duty tourist trap of a street. T’Challa’s attacker could have been anyone from a drunken ajushi to a drunken Russian sailor to a drunken ESL teacher to a drunken Japanese tourist.
Generalizing Asians even more racist than you realized. ASIANS are not monolith people, they are diverse bunch. They are not only consist of pale and yellow skin, slant eyes variety (East Asia). But there are also darker shade of skin color and big eyes of South East and South Asia. Not to mention Arabian and Persian…
I don’t know if anyone agrees, but I really like Mystery Heroes. It’s a real low-stakes way to try out all the characters without anybody whining about who you picked, learn their strengths/weaknesses and find the hero(es) that feel most right to you.
10s, perhaps 100s of thousands of households in America have guns in easily accessible spots where kids can get them and injure themselves and others.
One of our most defining traits, welcome to the United States.
Obviously violent video games...
Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.
Toys R Us’s story is so sad because their demise wasn’t even their fault. They’re only collapsing because so much of their profit margin has been gobbled up by debt payments caused by the debt that they were saddled with when Bain Capital bought them back out in ‘05. They were never able to update themselves because…