Organized sports has decided (or at least pretended to), that being a bad sport will get you punished, no matter how skilled you are.
Organized sports has decided (or at least pretended to), that being a bad sport will get you punished, no matter how skilled you are.
It sucks that the game is designed in such a way that you can be forced to play in a way that’s not fun for you in order to be effective.
Yes but WoW hasn’t really gone and removed previous content availability and locked it behind a paywall as far as I’m aware??
Unless they are taking the furry act so far as actually shitting on your lawn, let them do whatever the fuck they want. I see 1,000 people I think are dipshits every day and I just don’t think about them and let them go on their dipshit way.
God, i hate <type of person> so much. The stupid <part> on the <thing that person enjoys> makes me so angry for some reason. Plus when they go out in public <enjoying their hobby> and act like it’s completely normal and you’re supposed to think it’s cool.
Always love it when developers go back to older technology with the knowledge we have now to make the absolute best of them. Looks really fun, like one of those tower climber games. simple enough. The physical edition looks like it’d be something fun to own.
Not quite, I’ve played Magic the Gathering and never felt like my investment was being shit on by WotC. You don’t see them going back and nerfing cards. They just create cards that can counter or adapt the meta (Heck alot of the newer cards are weaker than their older counterparts, hello Legacy!).
I’m sure there’s some further backstory at play of just genuine love of the portable console, or maybe a dream to develop for it.
No, he’s not. You don’t take a game option away from everyone simply because YOU dislike it. The only thing he was right about is that there should be a menu option to disable it.
Pokemon go is online by default. Meaning you don’t have to register, go through ten thousand steps and then register your progress by go through a thousand steps more. And Pokemon Go has a larger install base. Both of my points you failed to address.
So, they chose convenience and appealing to the core audience. Same for Ghost in the Shell.
XVIII century Irish writer Jonathan Swift should get in contact with Spanish-speakers as he came with the name Laputa in Guilliver’s tales and only much later Ghibili used it in a movie.
It’s the same point as you raising your hands when Goku asks for everyone on Earth to raise their hands and give out a bit of life energy for a spirit bomb.
I think theirs some complications with frame rate being too fast screws up a games script, speedrunners probably know more. I remember Call of Cthulu Dark Corners of the Earth PC port was unwinnable for awhile because a rock would fall way sooner than usual blocking off the path of escape
Oh I agree. The game isn’t perfect—Tim’s astounding FFVII translation video series helps shine light on that—but it was still a very good game with a good story. I’ve been working through the PS4 version myself and am sitting at the Glacier Village not wanting to bite that bullet just yet. But compared to everything…
The problem with the Remake is a lot, a fucking -LOT- of people look at VII though rose colored glasses so thick and red that the whole world looks like it’s bleeding. When it finally drops, a lot of people who grew up with the game are going to be upset because it doesn’t feel the same as it did when they were kids.
Kind of, but not exactly. I’ve worked a contract gig at EA Tiburon, and aside from your paycheck coming from the contracting company, you’re pretty much “working for EA.” You’re fully integrated onto the team—made up of both FTE and contract employees. You work at the building, sit with the team, are given EA…
Well, it’s consistent, at least - all the transformation ults work that way.
He should lose ability to control it, but it should still exist in the world, traveling in it’s path until it hits something. I think that’s the right way to fix that one.
It’s worth noting that anything involving size in Blizzard games is representational at best. The heroes aren’t actually four times larger than the creeps or the same size as stone towers and it’s been established by Blizzard that size in WoW is more related to the importance of a character rather than their physical…