
The counter point to that is that he is now forcing everyone else on the team to play around his one pick. Rather then being flexible with how the other teams picks are going. This is like going Sniper in TF2 when your team already has it stacked to like 4 players as sniper.

It’s a game engine that’s built into the Amazon cloud backend services. Which is basically CryEngine, but with Amazon online features.

Not relevant? That’s kind of arguable, since Amazon uses a fork of CryEngine and it’s still used as a quick and dirty architect software.

I part of me kind of wishes PTR practice wasn’t a thing. I know Blizzard needs to tune it, but for keeping the raids fresher, it might be better for them to tune it on their own instead of getting people to farm it on the PTR and face roll it a week later on live.

Good tanks and good support players are hard to come by. Like Heavy in TF2, which is an easy kill, but in the hands of someone who rocks with just steam rolls entire servers.

I don’t think solely relyingon ELO is a healthy way of managing player skill. A combination of that and regular scrims against other higher end teams is better then just solo play for season rank. You could get the best players together and have a great team, but if they don’t know how to play with each other, then

Ratz is a more skill based game then PUBG. Heck, it’s a more skill based game then lots of competitive games out there these days.

I feel as though high level competitive that relies on elo matchmaking is more toxic then clans getting together on a clan server to play a few rounds, back in the day.

They actually haven’t removed any raids from WoW. Changes made to then were just flipped for the dungeon finder, but if you were super inclined to run LBRS with 9 other people in a raid, you can still do that. The dungeons layout is exactly the same as it was a decade ago.

You’re not locked out of doing Warlord Heroics in Legion if you still only own Warlords. You’re not locked out of doing anything other then the new content. Here it’s like being locked out of dungeons completely if a new expansion rolls around in WoW. But no, you can still do dungeons in WoW.

Kind of agree, but they could have put a bit more effort into it. Yooka Laylee has a pretty nifty N64 styled box for instance.

I don’t think it’s an issue with how cards work so much as an issue that Blizzard doesn’t have room on the cards to properly describe how it’s supposed to interact. Like how Magic cards with one ability will normally write out the whole definition of that ability, another card with two might write out both or just

ED just happens to be a game that sits well since the player is sitting in a cockpit. It’s the same reason why Battlezone also plays really well in VR.

I’ve been tinkering with Skyrim in VR since it was supported with VorpX. The game has it’s issues since it wasn’t made for VR, but it’ll be interesting to see how the official VR version works on PC. A lot of FPS standards don’t translate well in VR. STALKER is a good example where the base game is a Sim sickness

It’s super unenforceable. Otherwise there would have been super huge issues of people playing songs in other games like AC, LotRO, Guild Wars, etc.

I’ve been saying it as long as the DS has been a thing. SEGA should totally do a release of Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst on the Switch or at least the 3DS.

You can even follow that difference between Morrowind and Oblivion. Although, Morrowind’s tiny Minimap might just be a good thing compared to just a compass that labels everything for you within range.

The best part of Super Mario Odessey is when Peach just kind of get up and leaves Mario and Bowser for her own adventure. I want more of that!

Sense8 is good for one thing. And that’s the Van Damm

I don’t think sales has much to do with it. More so then that there’s probably a lot of people who don’t have their games connected online.