
@Le Starman Royale, duc des Mudkips et des modules MIDI: Yes, high speed rail is a fantastic idea. Lets spend billions of dollars building infrastructure between two places people won't even travel between once it's build. Or we could just use buses, which can reroute. Just a thought.

@Ingenium: I'm sorry, did you just suggest Android was a secure platform? It's anything but; you can hardly call a platform that is routinely rooted and exploited secure. Awesome yes, secure, not a chance.

@Whitson Gordon: I skipped that show expecting a headlining tour which they did, that was awesome, hour and a half set with no letdown, then they wanted to drink with everyone afterwards. Hard to find a band that dedicated and talented. Assuming you've seen Amon Amarth live at some point, if you haven't, you haven't

@Whitson Gordon: Have to agree on Character, still divided on We Are The Void. I think Fiction is superior, but some of the songs on WATV are favorites of mine. Not sure if you're a metal head or been to shows, but Dark Tranquillity deserves to be seen live, they're better live than on CD.

@Whitson Gordon: Have to agree on Character, still divided on We Are The Void. I think Fiction is superior, but some of the songs on WATV are favorites of mine. Not sure if you're a metal head or been to shows, but Dark Tranquillity deserves to be seen live, they're better live than on CD.

Suprised to see a metal band there. Damage Done isn't their best cd, but still one of the better albums ever made.

Actually, people did by the Droid because of its hardware keyboard. Yeah, the flash doesn't mean much, but some of us really do actually want keyboards. I couldn't care less that my Droid's on Verizon (I'd prefer it on T-Mobile), the only reason I got it was because it had a physical keyboard and had the at the time,

Awesome, but how do these work for RSS? I've yet to be able to get them to work.

@#c19980171: Selling a Hellfire is a crime punishable by death, even for a sniper.

@lineypi: Up close is about the only use for launchers, but when you get that close, you tend to do more damage to yourself than your target. But I do agree, I have an incindiary rhino, and since it burns a trail to its target, its absolutely destructive. But against fast enemies, its still too slow.

@Twisk: I have to agree with you, Zombie Island wasn't that bad, especially if you knew about the brains mission before hand and could get it early on.

@Owen Good: That's the perfect time to go with an elemental weapon like a Hellfire, because they'll still be burning as you reload, plus most of them have super fast reload times. A Hellfire is absolutely phenomenal when you're down because unlike a Anarchy, enemies still burn after they run behind cover. And when

@Bloodsoul5: There probably are, but in my experience, launchers are kinda nerfed compared to other weapons. You have to be really accurate with them, but the rockets move so slow that its almost impossible to hit them. My 2932 (or so) rocket launcher does less damage that a revolver. It may change with a class

@Bloodsoul5: It's been mentioned before that the class balance is actually pretty even. You're getting an uneven sampling here, but there's quite a few people who love Brick and Roland.

@VicViper09: If you're playing on a console, I think its next to impossible to glitch a weapon. However, duplicating is very, very easy, so that's probably what most people do.

Sounds like you just don't have the right load out/build for this. Even for my build (61 hunter, level 5 trespass, 807 dmg, 98.7 accuracy,3 rate of fire sniper, level 50 sniper proficenency), I can't kill the lance with one critical headshot. The lance are enemies designed for SMGs, and even as a hunter, you need one.

@Mr.Gawn: I've heard of, but never used Sketch UP, but my understanding that it was more geared towards designing 3-D models. I'm specifically concerned with the interior, so actually using designing blueprints would be ideal. I'll give SketchUp a try though.

@mattycakes: I was certainly planning on having an actual architect look over something before we actually built it. I'm not an architect, so building something I just drew up without actually getting it looked at is out of the question. This is more just a way for me to explore the ideas that I want the house to have.