
I'm graduating from college this year, and debating about building my own house rather than buying one. This includes designing it because there are too many things that I just want custom. I have family that builds so this isn't that unreasonable, but I have no personal experience.

I hate these new cases with a passion. Part of the enjoyment of the game is the presentation, which includes the art as well as the case. These flimsy pieces of crap are a joke.

@DarthMetalHope: See? A gateway drug for you too. If you're checking out folk, also check out Eluveitie, they have a very interesting sound and quite a bit of rage. And if you're checking out the European stuff, check out any of the other bands I mentioned, although if you're not used to it, black metal might not be

@DarthMetalHope: You know, just in case I've grown a little senile about it, I went and listened to Lamb of God just to make sure. Sorry, but there isn't really anything metal about the new stuff. They might have played metal at one point, but Wrath is an abomination. As a general rule of thumb (and I mean as a

Really? No other metal snobs on here? Fine, I'll do it.

@Noodle-Works: Or, those of us who want copies that aren't reliant on a 3rd party server will stick with our retail copies, thank you very much. Screw Earth week, I want my figurines.

Bah, still broken for me to the point it won't even start. I bought it at Amazon, and when they finally decided to ship it to me, I installed it. I clicked the icon, entered my serial and updated. It wouldn't play. I tried through Impulse. Impulse says it hasn't been updated or registered. I go through the process

@Esper_tricks: If you're talking a cellular modem, it will not be able to handle the content Left 4 Dead sends.

@Ken: Just don't pay with a credit card on public networks, use a prepaid code.

@TheKingBoar: In this regard, does anyone know of a good European games importer? Preferably a British one? Play Asia only has the Asian versions.

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: No hate really, some of us just want to have it on the disks, rather than having to shell out extra for a portable HDD or leaving it up to Sony to tell me when I can download my game again.

@harakiri_love: Well, you can theoretically, until Sony decides to pull the plug on the market place and you can't download it anymore.

Poor showing Sony. Collectors like me want a physical box to put on our shelves. No box for this = no sale for me.

Actually, I'd prefer more things along the lines of the Shivering Isles. The wacky quests, the amazing art style, it was amazing. I know the art style wouldn't fit in really that great with Fallout 3, but seriously Bethesda, how about a little color?

I'm a little late to the party, but here goes.

I'm normally a Google maps person, but since Google suddenly decided that I lived in Las Vegas, I haven't been able to use it. For some reason, it thinks the zip code 98109 is in Las Vegas. It isn't. It's for Queen Anne (and Magnolia I think), a neighborhood of Seattle. Even after contacting them about the wrong map

I bought the game only to have a game crippling bug happen on the second level. For some reason, the Maw wouldn't tether to me, and the X button wasn't working. Since he has to be tethered to finish, it was a no go to finish the level, even though I had gotten 100% completion on it. Not cool, Twisted Pixel. I'm kinda

Nope, I'll stick with Amazon, which has always had DRM free music, and is already at 256kbps. Pay more for my music to be unlocked? No thanks, Apple.

I had an awesome glitch in the co-op campaign. My wife and I had just gotten to the point where you have to get off the derricks. I'm running up to curb stomp a downed locust, when all of the sudden, I'm 20 feet in the air. Great sniping position, but there's no cover. I died, and saw my body floating 20 feet in the

@Shadowfire: Sadly, this is a major problem now a days. My father in law got a massive dumpster to clear out the ruins of a house, and one of the stupid neighbors filled it will all their crap. Sofas and big things like that too. With the rate at that trash goes for nowadays, it cost him quite a bit of money. And of