What the fuck is up with this? Does Mark Wahlberg have American tragedy reenactments on lock down or what?
What the fuck is up with this? Does Mark Wahlberg have American tragedy reenactments on lock down or what?
I can’t fucking do this right now
After hearing my wife say she weeped in her car after voting and watching or listening to stories of women crying tears of joy after voting, I am really honored to have taken part in this celebration of humanity. I will never fully understand the pain and suffering accumulated day to day from being a woman in a male…
Exactly. This is essentially Any Beach, Florida the Movie.
I bet Werdum got an extra back room bonus for kicking Edmund.
He hit a dinger
That’s really interesting. I have luckily not been to the hospital many times. The one time I received morphine I was being checked on regularly but they thought I was showing signs of appendicitis so maybe I needed it?
Serious question: Is it normal for heavily sedated patients to be left alone?
All I could think was how awful that testing sounded! Glued down... Broken teeth... But then remembered it was on roaches and now I’m indifferent.
He looks like a rotten pumpkin with a quaff of white mold on top.
Good grief
Good to know comparably shitty politics exist in Middle Earth too.
Presumably, their employees will now enjoy the Thanksgiving tradition of tacos and science fiction movies like the rest of us.
I relish the thought of an older and wiser Mr. Dorner cringing at his prepubescent verbal vomit.
So Facilitated Communication is the Ouija Board of communication therapy?
Christians really hate Rothko too.
You literally are defending him.