
“Meanwhile, I post ambiguous song lyrics that nonetheless very clearly indicate my feelings about specific people all through middle and high school, and no one notices? What a world.”

Dude driving is dangerous! Like, I see what you’re saying and I agree to some degree but it all boils down to the User. Like you could crash or get crashed into sober plain and simple. Weed isn’t dangerous at all, it’s always been the people that Use it which determines the severity of a particular situation while on

It really comes down to population control yo. Think about it. how many car accidents happen as a result of weed in comparison to alcohol? Not to mention that alcohol has been linked to Cancer. Now think about some of the harder drugs that are in circulation (including those over the counter or prescribed) and compare

Ok so to be honest we probably coulda guessed it seeing as how Goku applied his Koaken technique and in the next episode he’s going to meet with the God of All.

But off that, when is Vegeta ever gonna get his chance to shine? Smh...

I swear some people take this shit way too seriously. ITS FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT... Why is it that people can’t respect what an ARTIST creates? Why do the viewers (who have very little know how of what it takes to create something as massive as TWD) complain?

Naw fuck that lets ask the real question here! CAN YOU GUYS