
eyebrows on fleek

and let’s not forget those ridiculous side strips

also, chrome trims on cars (more of a glare hazard than a feature)

it looks even worse when you open the door and see the black on top of the window frame (while the rest matches the car)

tiny Pikachu silhouette on a black faceplate lol so special

Is it actually Sony or is it the developer or is it the publisher? I wouldn’t jump to conclusions...

If I wanted to run Windows 10 on my mac, would you recommend using parallels or fusion?

Nix & Hydra weren’t even named a couple years ago when I was in college Astronomy. I remember my instructor telling us how it’s a great time for astronomy considering the Pluto flyby and comet flyby were going to happen in the next couple years. So cool seeing it all know years later.

hail Hydra!

this is where recent Batman movies got the black mascara trend

there’s no ‘the’ it’s just called Chronicle. fascinating movie even away from ‘hero movies’

I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up with the story told just like in Arkham Knight

Shouldn’t Batman appear taller here? Ben Affleck is taller than Henry Cavill in real life

“Bruce warns that Superman has the power to wipe out all of humanity, and decides that he has to stop him.”

DC was in no way a loser since it’s all everyone is talking about. People are excited to see their movies. Never mind the couple of nerds in Hall H; they don’t represent the world.

just to be clear, I already did a quad backflip in Dave Mirra BMX 2 on GameCube

The way technology and the market is going now they have a few options that would actually work. The PS4 has been a success and they don't want to lose money on a side project that hemorrhages money from their brand. The Vita is only as powerful as a PS2. That's better than other mobile consoles but not worth the