It is okay. The real revenge here is that trans women walk past her probably every day. She may even know one or two. She pees one stall over from trans women in the washroom.
It is okay. The real revenge here is that trans women walk past her probably every day. She may even know one or two. She pees one stall over from trans women in the washroom.
You could say the same about Nintendo, except they actually allow cross-play.
The Onion is in the greys though.
I trust myself least of all. Nobody has done more to sabotage me than me
technically its an incel phone
Speaking as a Japanese dude: the real cultural force at work here is the Japanaese concept of “Meiwaku” (causing trouble to others).
Well, they’re not the only ones to use scantily clad women to attract interest.
My ‘shop is going to take some time but while I work on it, what do you guys think of the my graduation cap?
I know I’m supposed to be grossed out by this. A decade ago, I would’ve been. But I’ve been so turned around on how great rats are that now I see that swarm and I can only see this:
i know who the dlc boss will be.
Are you fucking serious?
Flip the argument: The world has gone to hell, why would you prevent someone from finding love, a bastion of safety and comfort in a world gone to shit because of some biological imperative? I think you just described the bad guys in the world of TLoU
I’m pretty sure there are well over a few hundred people left in The Last of Us universe. And I for one am happy to see the game finding warmth and humanity in a place like this. I mean, the game is about fungus zombies destroying the world; I think I can suspend my disbelief long enough to accept that a community…
History hasn’t ended yet.
I see where you’re coming from, and there’s certainly something for it as well - it’s a time when emotions are raw, and the potential for misunderstanding is rife. But some things come to mind.
If you are going to read my comment please read to the end because I’m not going to sugar coat this. I hated Total Biscuit. I hated his guts. I hated his holier than thou attitude, his pretentious demeanor, his talking down to game developers, his dismissal of 30fps games as a whole, his shitty tweets and his voice…
Judging from his interviews, Cage believes himself to be an auteur advocating for the advancement of the gaming medium while still being trapped by the visual and written language of film. It was a problem in his last three games(don’t know about Omikron, never played it), and it seems that he’s continued the trend…
I am allowed to point out his lack of being objective
“I’ve worked as a professional writer for 11 years”