
In fairness, I have seen a LOT of people ranting about Scorched Earth on here in the last year.

I like it SP (Xbox player) because I’m a PvE player primarily and trying to load into a PvE server mostly seems to involve flipping between dozens of servers that players have already covered in wooden posts so you can’t build anywhere.

And yet again, you make grand assertions about a myriad of reasons and you can’t actually name a single one! Sounds like it might not actually be as simple as you’re making out, pal.

I don’t get your point. It’s a Conservative leaning paper. It doesn’t have to be Breitbart to be biased against Corbyn.

Big Brother started in the Netherlands.

Well, it’s very nice to say you don’t want to have the conversation when you’re the one who started taking bollocks about it unprompted.

Oh do bugger off, dear. Theresa May wants to remove encryption and Internet anonymity so she can see what everyone is saying, and continues to insist there’s no money for public services whilst handing literal billions to a fringe party of literal religious fundamentalist terrorist supporters in order to prop up her

Gender dysphoria is a mental health issue. One that causes sufferers a lot of distress. And it’s treatable. By transitioning.

Now playing

Scott Lucas from Local H added bass pickups to his guitar in 1991 after the original bassist left the band. He’s been singlehandedly playing all guitar and bass parts simultaneously ever since.

Anecdotal story.

Umm... Splatoon and Arms aren’t new IP that they’re pushing hard? What would be the benefit to them making a brand new 3D platformer when a main series Mario games are pretty much guaranteed to be critical and commercial hits? Would BotW have literally sold more copies than there were Switches if it had starred just

Dunno why everyone keeps complaining about these glowing trails. Every single hunt I go on, alone or with others, will begin

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Cos if anyone discovers Asian Dub Foundation through this, then it was worth it.

Yup, that just very firmly set the lifespan of Destiny 2 having any significant player base.

Umm... You sure? I think the Switch would like a word. And the Wii U. And the Wii. Latest doesn’t always mean most powerful.

Sorry, the industry will survive perfectly well even with piracy. If it made that much difference to bottom line in most cases then publishers wouldn’t still be developing games with 100 million dollar budgets. Nor would there be a thriving indie scene


Yeah, considering you quoted the part of my post that mentioned MHXX and then refuted it with a load of arguments that would equally apply to MHXX, but would be even less true since pokemon is an even bigger system seller, I dunno why you feel that justified ending your reply with that patronising little “you’re

Was Wipeout ever really *that* fast? As I recall, that was more the province of F-Zero and to a lesser extent Extreme G.