Read that sentence again. It's not a critique. It's saying that RE4 was responsible for horror games becoming more action focused, until Outlast and Alien Isolation came along.
Read that sentence again. It's not a critique. It's saying that RE4 was responsible for horror games becoming more action focused, until Outlast and Alien Isolation came along.
Fatebringer will need some serious competition to be superseded as the best hand cannon in the game, bar none. Explosive rounds+Firefly+arc damage is a hell of a combo, and more than compensates for the lower raw damage stat compared to newer legendaries. And I believe according to recently published stats, Vision of…
Yeah, didn't really want to go making the abused spouse comparison, but... It's not far off...
Mechanically, It's one of the most solid, polished, satisfying shooters you will ever play. It's just that said mechanics happen to be a lovely moist cake frosted with dogshit
That's really really tough, because most people have a really difficult time separating sex and affection in relationships. Especially if you're with someone who cares about you and really especially if they're someone who is attracted to you... They're going to want that from you.
Let me tell you something. I was in that situation. Same thing. We just didn't match. We liked each other as people, we got along, shared a lot of interests, but the sex just wasn't there. We tried and tried and tried... For fourteen years.
That people spent a lot of frustrating weeks dealing with the shitty loot tables in the VoG, only to discover that as soon as the expansion launched, everything they'd worked hard to earn was now obsolete.
12 light per level. So 4 items at +30 each before the expansion= lv30. New level cap is 32, so that's 4 items at +36 each for max level.
My usual raid group took it on tonight, but I wasn't able to join them. Got a message a few hours later saying they'd given up after the second loot drop and were gonna run VoG to "de-stress"
Judging by the other new missions? It's probably nothing BUT swarms of Thralls.
Primal Groudon is ground/fire.
There have been dozens upon dozens of spinoffs that are completely different genres from the core games. I'm not sure what kind of new games you're expecting from the franchise if Nintendo decided to put it up for grabs, but chances are it'll eventually turn up anyway :)
I think the big difference with Pokemon is that there have been SO many spin offs, it's hard to see what they could do to the main series that they couldn't try elsewhere whenever the hell they wanted. The core games sell like hot cakes, and if you really want to play something pokemon related with different game…
I have rarely felt more immersed in a videogame world than I did with FC2. It certainly had its fair share of flaws, and I can see a lot of the reasons why people struggled to get into it, but personally I pretty much loved every second of it.
Some people brought that up at the time, and as I recall (this was a couple of years ago you'll forgive if I don't go Google the thread) a forum post was linked that pointed out that that sort of game sharing is specifically forbidden by the TOCs, and you can get banned for it.
You know, I said exactly that at the time. "Oh, you think these companies that throw a shit fit over preowned are gonna be cool with every game bought getting passed around to ten other non paying friends of yours? And... You thought that was remotely realistic?"
Respect? I can think of a few other places he can stick his "hand of God". Like an industrial press, for example.
No idea if it's gonna be any good or not, but ever since I saw the first gameplay I've been looking forward to finding out if any reviewer uses the sentence "it's like Crackdown... On crack!"
If the Dev was trying to make some statement about depictions of violence in video games, and was actually attempting to sicken and disturb, then there would be a pretty strong argument in its favor
Yeah, I think so. That's what I've always assumed, anyway.