
The one that really still gets me? Clipping? I remember playing Arkham City and thinking "wow, Batman's cape really does look all lovely and billowy. It's a shame his arse keeps popping through it".

I think that was most of the reason he didn't go with Richard Grayson. No parent wants their child to end up a Dick :)

I have a friend who has a daughter named Talia and a son named Grayson Richard. Yes, they are Batman references. I also know a guy who named his son Merlin.

The ambition, I will grant you, is a hell of a lot more impressive than the actual game here,, and in that sense... Yeah, I was probably a bit more of a sneering arsehole than this project really deserved. On the face of it, it doesn't seem a significantly big step beyond a lot of current procedural generation, but on

Is this really that impressive? It's generated a simple maze (games like Spelunky or Minecraft are capable of generating much better procedural environments), added an incredible basic ruleset (collect this random model, avoid the other random model) and tacked a madlibs description on to the whole thing. It's

There will likely never be a colluseum/stadium game ever again. The N64 versions existed solely because seeing your Pokémon in 3D was cool (and also doubled as a storage utility for the Game Boy games). The GC versions mostly existed to release a bunch of Gen II Pokémon that weren't available in the GBA games because

Bad news for you. Someone figured out a RAM hack that allowed them to generate all Pokémon in wild battles. There are exactly 2 unannounced Megas: Latias and Latios, which, judging from the models, might actually have identical megas.

There was a Japanese guide released that detailed egg moves on/from pokebank-only pokemon. Goodra is outta luck on recover, sadly.

That is the exact setting for the novel The Scar by China Mieville. Well worth a read, incidentally.

Oh god it's got people eyes...

It's... Well, I can't praise it more highly than saying it's exactly what you'd expect from a Paul Pope Batman comic. It's a really unique and interesting spin on the character and it goes without saying it looks bloody gorgeous.

Eh, it just looks like an okay-ish Paul Pope ripoff. If you're not familiar with his stuff, I hugely recommend Batman: Year 100

Now playing

Oh man, a Llama? I wouldn't go near one of those things, they're crazy.

Oh man, Escaflowne. One of my all time favourites. You get a recommend just for mentioning it :)

Here's my effort from a couple of days ago. It was still running perfectly, even in that state. The cars in Online seem to be a lot more stable than the ones in SP.

I've noticed they seem to be a lot more stable in Online. This is what was left of a Comet I was driving the other day, and it was running perfectly even in that state.

Yaaaay Ashens :)

I've got a question and hopefully now the review embargo has passed, you might be able to answer it. Back when the first DS games came out and DS still had GBA slots, inserting your GBA cart would unlock some stuff (a few extra Pokemon, including some legendaries IIRC). The downloadable Dream Radar thing let you catch

Because nobody will know until they've passed the Elite 4 and gotten the national Pokédex. Diamond and Pearl had a heap of evolutions of older Pokémon that didn't appear in the Sinnoh 'dex. Plus, until somebody extracts the code we'll have no idea how many legendary and event Pokémon there are, or how many potential

Well, since we're sharing cool moments...