
Of course it’s just an upscaled 3DS port, so what? Wired connection and big screen battles here I come!!

It’s really sad that your life is so pathetic that you have to pick meaningless fights on the internet. I pity you.

Oh, no, tell me who was mean to you? It’s going to be ok. You’re safe here.

I was stating a fact. It’s going to win most of the GOTY awards. If I was Rockstar I would postpone it too. I didn’t say anything about Zelda being better, or not. Chances are I will end up preferring Read Dead 2, because the first one is an all time favorite.  You are unpleasant, and you don’t know how to read. 

The real reason I think it was delayed is a little game called Breath of the Wild which is going to rack up all the 2017 game of the year awards. If you want your game of the year edition to have all those awards won listed on it, you better not go up against it.

This sounds like The Metroid Prime: Federation Force of the Pikmin series. Oh well, it was only a matter of time before Pikmin got a crappy entry. I was hoping it wouldn’t happen. I’m such a fan of the gameplay of the series, I don’t understand why they didn’t try to do something similar.

My favorite entry was Dream Team, because of all the gameplay improvements and achievements to unlock. If they add those to the previous games, it’s going to be great.

You can play it right now on your 3DS, why would you need a new version?

The main persona series has only ever been on Sony consoles, I’m afraid unless the Switch pushes Sony to try and mimic its success you will only ever Play Persona 5 on a home system.

That’s great! What are the must own, exclusive games for XboxOne?


Oh, so back to my PS4/Nintendo Switch combo then.

If I wanted an overpowered system without console exclusives, I would build myself a gaming PC.

I enjoyed my time with Gwent beta yesterday, especially since I pretty much destroyed my three online opponents using techniques I’ve honed trough three Witcher playthroughs -- which was as delightful as I thought it would be when I dreamed of an online version -- however the fact that all my progress will be for nil

Bloodborne was the true progression of the Souls series, the combat was vastly more enjoyable.

It does not break.

Wait, you don’t like the Witcher 3 either? So, you just hate joy and greatness then, that is too bad. I’m sorry.

We’re so lucky to be living at a time when games like Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild are coming out. They are certainly not making me more productive though...

I did a couple of missions last night, I was a tad drunk and I am not very good at Splatoon, so I got wrecked. However, the game ran really smooth for a testfire. Good sign for the Switch online future.

I could never get over my wife cheating, no matter how much I love her. You can forgive, but you can’t forget.

This article proves Bill Maher’s point. I don’t always agree with him, and I detest Milo Yiannopoulous, but this all or nothing attitude is truly detrimental to the liberal cause. We cannot ever expect to defeat people like Yiannopoulos without exposing them and confronting them. Now, last week, Piers Morgan’s

More importantly, is it coming to the Switch?