Bill, is that you?
Bill, is that you?
More like Riley Blooper, amirite?!?!
Loyal Deadspin readers await the result, so they can dub Jim Ross over the winning clip.
I'm desperately hoping Roma completes the signing. As an Inter fan, of course.
5. I know his numbers were more inflated by Coors Field than by steroids (mostly because he got hurt way too much to be a qualified roid head), but Larry Walker's season of .350/.449/.662 with 38 home runs and 123 RBI being good enough to garner one tenth place vote is just stupid.
The old plate was nice, but the yellow/blue isn't too bad at all IMO. With that said, I still liked the '86-'01 plates the best.
No fuckin way the 40 dwarves don't win versus the lion. After about 10 of em get slaughtered post 9/11 hijacking theory applies: "I'm probably gonna die anyway so let's savagely kill this fuck or die trying." 30 of anything biting, eye gouging and whatever other vicious shit they could do to it would kill it…
I loved this goddamn thing.
I thought I would try living the in the fridge last year (here's an exclusive photo:
This would be a lot of fun to watch!
I think a lot of it also has to do with the nature of substitutions in soccer, which makes comparisons to hockey and hoops problematic. Guys are budgeting their energy for a certain amount of running time and going too far beyond that breaks you down, makes you prone to muscle pulls/tears, bad mistakes, blah blah. …
For me 30 for 30 on Bo and the one on The U are in the top 5.