
Ellen: Live! From The Siberian Gulag

Is that you Taylor Kitsch?!

It did...Reached epic heights and is now one of the most beloved shows ever. Give it another go.

“I’ve got more energy than a Mom with 5 kids that play 5 different sports!”

Also, many of the homeless are vets, so being nearby VA services where they can access their fairly earned benefits (this means usually they need to be in major or medium sized cities) plays a part too.  As does weather.

Right under our noses....damned sneaky libtards!

Phantom Wimp

Tomorrow’s Breaking News:  Kinja poster “That Other Guy” was disappeared today.

Ten dollars? Where do you live? Dubai?

Oh hai tomato

Fact:  Trump tax cuts hurt middle class filers.  Everything else is just noise, including your anecdotal bullshit.

Is this irony lost on sports leagues and their owners? By doing business in China, by default, you are making a political statement (which is “I’m cool with all the shit your govt. does cuz, monies”).  So, isn’t the NBA in this case, already a political beast?

Why thank you!

Oh I DID...

It’s the best thing HGTV has had on in years....don’t get the hate either and know of many who tuned in JUST because it was the Brady House. They’ve done a tremendous job too.

Damn, I liked the Flipping Boston guys (But that show hasn’t been on for years, has it?)

Damn, she Rick Jamesed her nephew?  Colllllld bloooded!

Why do kids have meltdowns in the first place? I’ve been lucky enough to be around dozens of kids, none of whom have had a meltdown that I have heard about...there HAS to be a root cause!!  #NotAllToddlers

I think that’s where Snyder sent Jay Gruden