
The large chunk of money for them will be coming from private citizens/boosters/endorsements NOT the universities...they’ll get SOME university money (the scenario we just described would cut Kentuckys basketball take IN HALF, which theyre not going to do), and it will pale in comparison to the ‘external’ sources of

We are through the looking glass here, people!

Individual teams don’t make THAT much cabbage...Around 25 to 50 million in revenue per season for the top earning hoops schools. Nice chunk of change, but they can’t then go spend 1.5 to 2 mill each on 11 players.

Sounds like an annoying troll on Kinja.

Reason #482 why private businesses shouldn’t be in the health care game.

I’m not your friend, guy!  (the circle is complete)

I know where he’s from, but “ACK-uh-mee” is the same exact pronunciation so, consider it Pennsylvanian to add “UH” to the middle of a word for no reason. Pittsburgh area has its own, extra, weird accent on top of it.

I know not one, but two guys who go by HOSS!

Sounds like Joe Namath’s ATH-UH-LETE (for ‘athlete’)

I’m not your guy, buddy!

So tofu is bad now? What the hell?

What do you do with a friend who grew up not washing their hands (rural upbringing, outhouse for real) until they were 14 or so...I try so hard not to think of it when he goes to the bathroom and comes back out...

+1 70's stockings reference

Think we can thank Palin or someone of her ilk for that winner.

Because you may be a scary giant...see, Goliath.

Back under the bridge, troll

Ahhhh what I wouldn’t do for a Berzerker beer, brewed in New Jersey


Pick a side.  There’s no Independent party of note.

What? Most all court cases of this type rely on witness testimony, even if they’re ‘criminals’ themselves.  How else do you think the Mafia got taken down?  Large drug cartels or any other corrupt organization?