None of the below makes any sense....
None of the below makes any sense....
Just a correction, link in article above says “Chalk full” instead of “Chock full”....sorry!
“Why don’t you put here in charge then, huh?!” - Hudson, you magnificent bastard...
Me too...but I think we were the only ones.
Great article...I’d love to see more analytical approaches in soccer, a sport that has taken over my eyeballs in the last 10 years at the expense of NFL/NBA/NHL and even some MLB.
Nope. Longer games suck and people don’t want them. Long time fans miss the 3 hr and under games. Weeknight playoff games end after most have gone to bed.
When healthy and motivated, yes. Also, when surrounded by other superstars. But, he isn’t getting any younger...he would be wise to go back to Barca imo. He likely has already peaked, but is still among the top 10-15 players in the world.
Is Slovenia the new home of Burning Man?
Dare I say, “Come to the Knicks?”
As a Bills fan, please stop traumatizing me further.
It is the same Berry
Tomato much?
He’s a pro business, centrist Dem who took his time coming around to legalized recreational cannabis until the tax cash started pouring in. He’s loaded and should just go piss off into the sunset.
Ahh the DC, great system, some cool exclusives, but a horrible controller triggers that would leave indentations on yer fingers!
So many bottle jobs. I’m looking at you Beck and Doocy!
I knew the Peruvians would flake out in this one.
I see you’re a glass half full kind of guy...
WTF are you talking about? Most all of those bands didnt focus on ‘death’ lyrics. Don’t compound a horrible situation with your uninformed hot take.
Yes, but there’s much stricter penalties for driving stupidly there...Not the case here. So, yeah...