
Two things I would like to see:

Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.

Uh if the PSU alumni and fan base would, for the most part, acknowledged that Joe Paterno was a horrible human being and stop denying he was innocent and what he was a part of should never be excused just because he was good at winning football games, I might be inclined to agree with you.

“A solid portion of Democrats have committed to vote against Hillary as well.”

I wonder when you’ll run out of ways to describe him.

Oh yeah, absolutely no sympathy for them. Paul Ryan has to own this. Reince Priebus has to own this. Every single Republican who endorsed Trump, everyone who through action or inaction enabled him, they have to wear this. They can’t just wash their hands now. Trump and his supporters are products of the rhetoric they

In theory, paying college athletes is a great idea and the right thing to do but I’ve yet to hear a model that accounts for Title IX, crappy football and basketball programs that barely break even, and non-revenue generating sports.

It take a lot of midshipmen to handle a bunch of cougars on a Saturday Night.

Great point - you’ve convinced me not to vote for Bill Clinton in this election.

I love love love this argument. “Yes, Donald Trump is an unashamed misogynist who quite literally brags about sexually assaulting women, but Hillary Clinton’s husband had affairs! Those things are totally equivalent!”

Don’t lump the whole list all together. There are those, such as John Kasich, who saw through Trump’s bullshit and NEVER endorsed him.

Makes America Great Again

My repugnant attitude towards women is making news. Who should I go to for advice? Rudy Giuliani and New fucking Gingrich.

I want a PS4 to occasionally tool around on Overwatch or slowly work my way through an action RPG like The Witcher 3.

If only Steve Jobs had loved chemo, we could ask him.

As a final fitting tribute to the punter, the family gives up possessions.

I never cared if he disagreed with the officials. I just don’t think it’s right that he disrespected the flag and those who died to protect his freedom.

It’s sad, but inspiring to see one all time great Yankee helping another great Yankee through his trouble.

You fuckers killed Harambe.

It’s not really a horror story, but me and my buddy came into possession of a six-pack of Amstel Light, iced it down by pouring the beer into a cup of ice, and drinking it in the parking lot of a Wendy’s.