
It shouldnt be offensive, if you let someones opinion get your panties in a wad, you're the problem with the country. I'm allowed to say whether something looks nice or looks like crap.

For real..who said that was "good looking"

Sure about that? I've been running it awhile and have no notifications about it expiring. My iTunes beta expired, but thats all.

Well, Morgans wife was bitten..Otis was didnt see that part where they were eating all the chunks out of him?

Exactly...thats why its called a "work" out. If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Yea, but he could have been more humane and put it in his head, and not let him get eaten alive.

What video?


Well, certificates cost money, and Lifehacker is all about saving pennies by doing a lot of work I'm guessing no.

Spend $20 at walmart. Thats as cheap as you'll get.

Make some friends, try a party, and get off the internet.

someone else

I dont hear about millions raving about how great their Android tablet is.

You're the creepy guy who hangs out at the school they've already graduated from?

what if you moved your laptop to the left instead?

I leave my setup on too, and with scripting and/or manually launching the app if for some reason I turn it off, takes a few seconds.

Maybe they looked at something that sells for $499 as opposed to something that is given away for free, and that millions bought and respond positively to it, and are trying to gain that same traction? Just a thought..

Where's Blade when you need him..?

Yea, I dont get it either..I have a windows7 desktop that has xbmc on it that I have scripted to turn on at certain times of the day (usually before I get home from work)..

How many spaces do you have to where that would be an issue? Doesnt it become more work managing the software thats managing your software at some point?