Jonny Edge (@thejonnyedge)

WTF!!! That's me in the video working on Life's ECU interface (crouched on the car)! Fantastic footage. Thanks.

If you tell them you don't want it, they take it off. All press cars have everything included.

Without the wing and in British Racing Green yes. If I am paying $165,000 for a car I better be able to choose.

I believe they are making 150. They've also completely re-tuned the suspension, and the engine in the P7 is the most powerful Jag engine ever produced.

If you are a Project 7 customer you can have the car built to your own personal taste. Wings, colours, decals, all these things can be changed or altered to your own personal wishes.

May 1 marks the anniversary of the death of Formula One legend Ayrton Senna, one of the greatest racing drivers the

Hey, I worked this event! Funny, I can't recall the team at all. Goes to show how little laps they did on the Friday. In those days pre-qualifying was late in the day on Friday which is when we used to get our our engine souvenirs. I have a mix of old Hart turbo valves and DFV parts from this era. Usually these tail

does anybody else think this guys tries way too hard? These RCR's could be fantastic if he'd tone it down a little.

Pretty much all manufacturers do this all the time. 0-60 times are only one aspect. You can add MPG, towing figures, and interior volume measurements of measurements that "gamed".

Meanwhile here in Brazil

It find it absolutely incredible how so many of you focus on 'staging'. It is a TV SHOW. It HAS to have some sections put together purposefully for the result of the entertainment of the audience. The fact that so many of you bitch and complain about it on here instead of focusing on what was actually a bloody good

It's like it's breathing. Only slightly terrifying.

I thought these were the greatest when I was a teen, even German sedans were pretty boring back then and this seemed quite exciting by comparison. But I cannot imagine taking this thing into my life, esp at that price. Maybe if you were a master mechanic and your DD Camry was boring you to tears because it never

I think Renault could make a decent profit if they did something like bring over a mid-engined Clio as a special "we're only going to sell this here through Nissan dealerships and limit the production to a few hundred or so." If they do something like that, assuming they make a new hot hot hot Clio, then maybe, at