
If you're from the US, you don't have to look far to see a similar insanity. We turn a blind eye when it's convenient. We blame the victim or we claim the exploited has freely and happily chosen to be a second class citizen: "Humble, good, simple people." If you live in a farming state where hand picking is necessary,

You mean that he liked to watch? I thought of that, too.

Vimeo, here's your chance to get ahead of the other guys: The chord cutters need home improvement shows. Serve us the kind of fodder only found on DIY and HGTV and you'll start to get paid subscriptions. They can't be that expensive to produce.

I rewrote his motivations in my mind when I watched it recently. He wanted a public wife (so important back then), and he wanted the best as in everything else. She would be an intellectually stimulating companion at home and a showpiece in public.

Yes! They wouldn't have to hide the juicy details. I guess there was a remake in 1978, but it didn't do well. I think it's because they cast Robert Mitchum who was too old for the part. (Marlowe's only 33 in The Big Sleep.) I know Bogart got away with it, but he's Bogie. Women throw themselves at him. That's just a

I just watched a few clips from different movies. Wow. Yeah, she would be perfect. Good call.

No. Not ScarJo. Gene Tierney had a quality about her: luminous, suggesting warmth and strength, but emotionally distant and fragile. That's what made classics out of movies like Laura, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and Leave Her to Heaven. You believed Tierney would inspire a gambler's blind obsession because she would

John Larroquette! Why don't we see him more? I'll watch at least a few episodes just because he's in it.

So true. We had a 30's-50's B-movie day yesterday (flu) and it would take about 10 minutes for us to figure out which guys were the bad guys. The heroes were a#@holes - even in light comedy-action fillers like Renfrew of the Royal Mounted. We were just laughing at all the horrible behavior that was supposed to be…

True, but we'd like to see Bradley Cooper do it. He kind of did in American Hustle.

That's really lovely. And creepy. And nice.

Yes! Beautiful, boring and, since I woke up in time for the ending - irritating. I was a 13-year-old girl in 1979, and had completely lost patience with the whole "beautiful girl = witless helpless victim" trope. I'm sure the book was less about her "luminous maddening beauty" and more about social standing and class.

Frankie Avalon & Annette Funicello starring in… Bikini Bottom Bingo! Featuring the songs Crimson Wave, Secret Surfin' Spot, and Promise Me Anything (But Give Me a Tampon). Coming to a drive in near you.

Shades of 80's Punkish New Wave, I like it. God I'm old.

I loved the song, but I was in HS. Endless Love, Reunited, Always and Forever - those sweet soulful duos melted my teen girl heart.

(Edited to say: It's not very good but some of the terribleness is entertaining and the effects are pretty - and it's short). At the very least I'll be able to gawk at the costumes and sets for an hour and 20 minutes. I'm a sucker for accurate period costumes and the 19-teens were a nice design decade.

It was an odd movie, wasn't it? The title was a puzzler. It should have been "What to expect when you have sex with your stalker."

I didn't know, but I can definitely see that happening. I visited when it was new but stopped because it seemed kind of toxic. Now I feel suckered if a link takes me there. Politics… I have no patience for either party. Why do we need parties? Can't we just have representatives with various opinions and life

Having relatives who identify strongly as conservative, I would like to agree with you, but there is a strong "if we make it socially acceptable for gays to do their thing, more people will become 'gay-infected' " feel when they talk about gay marriage. I don't find my relatives inhuman at all, but they really do

Just search by genre when you're feeling lucky. Amazon lets you sample before buying the full book, which helps when the self-published author is listing at $2.99 or $3.99 instead of $.99. If the writer is awful, you'll know by the first chapter. Then just enjoy the ride. You can't be sure what will happen when