
@Benedinho: they already make one. The Nokia N8 has a GSM/CDMA chip. The problem (for Apple) i'd guess is battery life. The chip is power hungry. Seems like you could just put both chips in, and choose one in firmware, right?

@Platypus Man: In terms of we traffic, yes. The problem is, most of the iPhones data (some vendors say 90+% of the data) is being pulled and pushed by Apps. They need to measure actual data usage, not web usage. Pandora, YouTube, Ustream, DropBox, and all the other data-heavy apps don't use the browser, so their

@Platypus Man: Apple is about two things: aesthetics and device parity.

@pjcard: that is true. Most iPhone apps are crappy versions of the same idea. There are 100 apps that upload to Flickr. I need one good one. There are 1000 Twitter apps. I need TweetDeck.

@4digital: software update for the iPad released today. Fixed my WiFi issue.

@MJDeviant: Apple removed DRM from music years ago. You can do what you want with it.

in a related story, every phone with a glass screen will break if you drop it face down onto concrete.

Buy no physical media. Downloads and Netflix only.