That's pretty much how it is.
That's pretty much how it is.
How about when they were furnishing their new home (second season maybe?) and they were paying for tens of thousands of dollars in furniture in cash - ON TV.
I don't understand how either Joe makes his money. Are they in construction? And if so, it's in an Italian sense, I guess. (I can say that - I am an Italian from North Jersey)
This is like some sort of litmus test for stupidity. Going on a reality show? Don't engage in illegal activities during filming! Also, make sure you haven't commit any easily discoverable crimes in your past!
The bride is a comedian who is a writer on his show, so I imagine she appreciates and approves of shenanigans such as this.
This is the most perfect post in the best story the Gawker network has ever put together.
Which is interesting because in the book, much of the world refers to the virus as "rabies.". So it's entirely possible you're not the only one who made that connection.
General consensus among my friends and family is it is a slow start, but ends well. Keep at it!
W-H-Y that spells WHY
Super WHY he can FLY
Hang in there for the George Michael and Maeby stuff - it is worth the wait!
We've got the giraffe. BEST EVER indeed!
My 8 month old likes to lick the floor in the bathroom. The silver lining is that I clean it constantly because of this and you can practically see your reflection in it.
I had melanoma on my face (under my eye) and needed to have reconstructive surgery on my face at 35.
I work at a school and one of my good friends there has a gaggle of kids that are awesome, and love me. They are great kids - all attend my school and I have personal relationships with them the way you do when your friends have kids that are 11-14 years old.
I would definitely do a cheap run of business cards or even holiday cards at Vista Print - but a large scale run of professional collateral? Never in a million years for this reason - their printing is subpar.
I like to always tell people that my son's signature color is navy blue. I am going to stop saying that because I didn't know baby style was a "thing" - someone might think I am serious.
I eat stickers all the time dude!
Fact: I've never met a dude who threw a ball better than I did.
An accident meaning an incident got out of control, that was how I took it at least. Though I know they found a garrot on scene, so who knows. :(
Thanks for the recommendation - I believe they actually mentioned that book during the interview and I couldn't recall the name!