Jack Hopkins

Rep. Gabbard is full of contradictions, to say the least. She’s gotten attention for her supposed “anti-war” posturing but has also been an apologist for war criminals like Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who has repeatedly gassed his own people with chemical attacks. Gabbard, an Iraq War veteran and current member

This isn’t an article as it is an opinion piece that started with a headline about donations.

How so? Listing obvious factual errors in an article that painted her in a very unfavorable light can’t hurt.

I do not understand when people say that we should not be in a particular war, but when a politician goes abroad to try and begin a diplomatic approach to end it she is immediately criticized. Also, if you are going to claim she is an apologist for Assad, please put in a link of her apologizing for Assad. That is a

Yours is the regurgitated and debunked narrative that’s been going around ever since Gabbard left her DNC leadership position based on her opposition to the Democratic party’s repeated embraces of regime change wars and other mal behaviors .. It s the typical copy and paste hit piece on Gabbard ,full of mis

Got it. Not liberal enough for this network to support. This started as Jack Dorsey and ended as a Tulsi hit-piece. Shocking.

Something fishy here. Lots of misinformation. 

A couple things flat out wrong with this article: