The Jevans

‘You probably want a carpenter using nails to build your house, so, you know, it doesn’t fall down.’ I don’t really care if a carpenter uses nails to build my house, there is some intricate joinery that doesn’t require nails and is incredibly stable.

I guess you think this article is about other people.

"if this was an economy plus seat he should not have had any problems with legroom unless he is taller than 6'8" " - sorry I'm 6'5" and both economy and economy plus suck royal ass.

I actually bought a set of knee defenders when they first came out (they didn't look like the ones in the picture) but I never used them and lost track of them years ago.

I'm surprised that the woman didn't get arrested for assault and battery.

Why was this woman not arrested for assault and battery?

Honestly, as close as those seats are together they shouldn't be allowed to recline anyway.

You don't recline on flights unless they are overnight. Who doesn't know this?

Everytime Deepak Chopra of one of his ilk says Quantum...

"Seven Hells, that Couch kid sure is a dick."

"Eight blind men stood around an elephant and each described what they..." You've probably all heard this one before, what u see depends on many things, the least accurate of which is probably what's directly at arms length, as was true for the eight blind men. To fully understand any one aspect of a project like

I'm with you. Unless we find a perfectly clean, zero-compromise alternative, let's stop innovating and just keep drilling. /s

There's this cool new thing out there, it's called recycling.

What you are trying to say is so wrong that it is hard to know even where to start. It would be like if I were to say that 'tuna are fish, therefore Neil Patrick Harris can cause his hair to spontaneously combust by using his mind'. It is an utter non sequitur.

Quantum effects occur on the submolecular level - the

"As Deepak Chopra teaches us, quantum mechanics means that anything can happen at any time for no reason..." -Professor Farnsworth

If by that you mean wherever you look for it, it's never there, sure.

Don't hit him in the head too hard. You'll knock off his tin foil hat.

Actually, dry pill form vitamins have longer shelf life than liquids. Lyophilized chemicals can pretty much last forever. On the other hand, water is very good at degrading molecules (which is why most drugs are stored as dry powers and mixed into liquids only when needed).

So if you already have that information, why not share it with us?