

Fancy paint didn't save TVR.

civic hybrid!

I'm impressed, they managed to keep it recognizable as a Volt, despite a pretty substantial overall change.

This thing looks SO MUCH BETTER than it used to. Wow.

Bench seats still comply. So does velour.

Looks like a Nest...

So it's an old people car.

Should I be excited? If they do some kind of crazy LT1 version of it, let me know. For right now, yawn. People are just getting into the usual Jalopnik circle jerk because it's RWD and slobbering over it because they took some photos with cool lighting. Nothing here to indicate it being fun

If you put your hand over the right side of the picture, starting at the end of the A-pillar, it's really easy to picture this thing as an excellent looking hatchback. Not digging the execution as a 'vert, though.

If this thing gets someone to buy a car that at least could be in the same dictionary as 'design' or 'fun' instead of a bulbous CUV monstrosity, then I support Buick. Godspeed, Buick.

Because nobody learned anything from that Nissan Murano convertible thingy disaster? Because we needed a WORSE car to lose in a divorce than a 1987 Maserati bi-turbo?

Close enough.

Couldn't even feel my heated seat this morning through the two coats I was wearing! We were even at a balmy 6* compared to some of our friends further north.

How in the name of sweet baby Jesus did this emerge from the grays?

That's what happens when you buy into that console's ecosystem. Support and games and doped after the next gen comes out and you are almost forced to upgrade if you want to enjoy new games.

You've got to invest in a sleigh-style shovel/plow. It's life altering. You literally just shove that shit the snow plows leave to the side in 10 seconds with minimal effort. It also is so good at clearing 10" or less of snow with zero strain on the back that I sold my blower. There's really no good reason to use

The fact you kept an RX7 on the road for eight years is impressive enough.

Plot twist....

So in conclusion, we are better than everyone else.

Agreed. You've got to spend some money...a cheap wheel won't last and will disappoint. Its got to be force feedback and have pedals. And it seems like $300/400 is the price range you've got to get into to find a quality piece of hardware....definitely not some cheap toy, it's a bit of an investment.