
Nazis don’t just spring up out of nowhere. Nazi’s don’t just “exist”. You have to make a specific, willfull decision, “I Want To Be A Nazi.”. You have to actively immerse yourself into a philosophy that says that other people Deserve to Die, just for the accident of their birth. This is not a philosophy that can be

I’ve tried to make this argument before and peoel have accused me of “no true Scotsman”.

but weirdly, it worked :)

As much as I’d like a women president just so that society could start getting over seeing a women in charge as a threat, I appreciate that we should elect the best option, not the only option.

I don’t think Elizabeth Warren is boy-crazy, Steinem. I don’t think far-left women are boy-crazy. I think they’re just socialist.

Seriously - what did I do there with the formatting? It was unintentional.

I’m for Bernie because I am a Liberal/Progressive. Hillary’s not. Understatements are us.

“Men tend to get more conservative because they gain power as they age,”

Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these

Never mind the fact that they somehow did exactly what they said they WEREN'T going to do. Don't forget that this is a GAME.

And your proof of this is? Conjecture? Questioning or interpreting the writers intent?

"I don't buy into this interpretation of the destruction of the relays. I went with synthesis, and although the relay apparatus are blown apart, there's nothing to indicate that the worlds next to them are razed. The impact wave didn't even destroy the Normandy."