I think its time to change your tampon.
I think its time to change your tampon.
So, he was told to do a job, didnt do it, got a final notice, and now cries racism?
Man, you must be conflicted now that whitey was killed defending a black person.
Yea, thats the reason 100%. Nothing to do with the fact that Stand your Ground was 100% applicable. Nope, the evil white devil dun did it again. Shut the fuck up.
Because he can prove he feared for his life after being knocked on his ass. Both sides dont need the same weapon.
What exactly does that change?
You wont do shit, you little bitch.
Whoa whoa whoa, you’re on The Root. Black people are always innocent.
Zimmerman wasn’t white.
Loving how all you black people are pro-black no matter what. Maybe you should look up the law and see how it applies.
Doesn’t matter if theyre unarmed. Next time someone wants to be a badass, they should know who the’re fucking with.
Then pick up a weapon and go be a badass, pussy. See how far you get.
You stupid, stupid shit. Learn the law.
It wasnt, you fucking idiot. He got shot because he attacked the other guy, knocked him to the ground, and the shooter feared for his life at that point.
The guy that was killed wasnt a victim, he’s the one who assaulted the other.
Please, MSM would eat this up and it would be all over the news and debated for weeks.
You wouldn’t do shit. And what would be your justification? Riding around fearing for your life so you can shoot someone?
“A man is well within his rights to shoot and kill someone over a parking spot? I wonder if those same rules would apply if the victim was white and the shooter was black?”
Learn the law, dipshit. It doesnt matter what it was over, if one can prove they feared for their life, its justified. Just like Treyvon. Zimmerman…
Why is that unfortunate? Do you know her stance on foreign policy, the economy, or anything that she should know? Oh wait, I know why...because she’s black. Pretty racist of you to only want her to be president because of that..
Between a judge and an actress, I’d side with a judge. But you wont, because Whoopi is black.