
Where’s your story on the 4 black people who beat the shit out of the white girl at Applebees?

So, basically, someone is dead, and you’re proclaiming innocence and racial shit because the accuser is black.

Because 27 other people had better rankings...math is hard.

If she thought she was well  enough to play then you shouldnt bitch that she lost.

And?  She’s 28th...

So what, she found a “hack” thats been online for years, and is taking credit as if its something she just came up with?


Yea, because there’s a big conspiracy out there...grow up.

The body cam footage literally shows him with a gun in his waistband. What more do you people need? It’s ok to be black and still say something negative about a black person...

The body cam footage shows it, how about you update your story? Instead black people come out within minutes protesting without facts.

Greatest....?  Why?  I mean I know YOUR reason..

You must be conflicted. On the one hand, the police got in trouble (as they should), and in the other, the white girl got off. 

iOS 12 also disabled my 3rd party screen replacement, touch and swipe didn’t work.  Tried twice.  The initial iOS 12 beta was fine 

FYI, if you dont have a retina mac, its going to look like shit because of how they changed the font handling

Which one?  Her story, or this one?

Maybe if you quit being a racist, you would actually read the story. She touched 3 undercover detectives, and in Ohio, if you’re a stripper, its illegal.

“Under an Ohio law passed in 2007, an employee who regularly appears nude or seminude at a sexually oriented business is prohibited from touching patrons, except for

Fuckin white people, blaming this on him.

I thought this crap only came out when the weekend bloggers were on call to keep the post quota up...

But man, call Michelle an ape, and you lose your mind.  

The best part of being white is to watch you black people find racism in everything