
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">TODAY WE MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!</p>&mdash; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">November 8, 2016</a></blockquote>

Uh, wrong. She voted for this, which explicitly sets kids in camps

If they took the time to register, and are eligible, thats their fault.

Only if you agree with them.

“To imagine that Mexican immigrants should happily cook for and serve meals to people who enable a man who is determined to demonize and persecute them as subhuman criminals is far more outrageous than the idea that those enablers should not be served in restaurants.”

Immigrants != ILLEGAL Immigrants.  

The irony, bitching about injustice at a black only awards show

You’re on the root. A site that sets white people, praises everything black, and never shows any positive white/negative black “news”

If it was, it would be all black people talking about the evil white devil. 

But she did order, and tried to pay even though she didn’t get the service . Black people would have cried racism and marched. .

THe baker didn’t turn the away because he didn’t like them. He didn’t compromise his religious beliefs. Check your facts. And 2”we didn’t need government interference. The market will decide. If people decided not to business because of it, that’s capitilism, and the baker can decide if he wants to change his policy.

They should. And then they should get the same backlash as chik fil a and the baker who turned away the gay people. Let capitalism do its job. 

Funny how she can be kicked out and discriminated against because people don’t like the views of the administration, but when someone turns away gay people because of their religion, “tolerance” is preached. Fucking hypocrites 

You mean black. 

Are wypipo allowed, or is this excluding based on skin color?

You know this happened under Obama too, right?  The one image with kids in cages is from 2004...

I dont think you know what facism means.  The fact that you can call someone a facist here and not face jail proves that the administration isnt facist

You must be new, law and sensibility don’t apply to celebrities. 

Trayvon was a thug who tried to act tough and got shot by a douche. It’s been forensically proven that Browns hands up was a lie, all witnesses have recanted their story. And yet you preach that narrative. You’re the problem. 

So she’s aiding and abetting criminals. Fuck her

Been a law since 2002, 90 out of 100 senators voted for it, including Hillary and Biden. The same ones faking outrage.