
Please. He was a sub-standard BACKUP quarterback, and nobody wanted to hire him because of the exposure he was bringing. He was offered his contract, he decided to go be a free agent, its his fault.

It’s not like these bloggers are going to advance their career past being in the Gawker network, so they don’t really have to string together coherent thoughts. Real journalist don’t use slang and write opinion pieces like most of the articles here.

Is officially on the list because too many black people use ninja as a substitute for nigga, and all popular nigga substitutes are banned from white mouths.

So because black people stole a word and applied their own meaning, no one else can use it? This list is ghetto.

“I don’t want to get all Alex Jones-y”.

Alex Jones is the best to listen to when you need a good laugh, if you can stand listening to someone who sounds like he gargles with razor blades.

Maybe homie Trump should be doing something for the whole country, and not having to do something specifically for you to give you special treatment. There’s more than just special interest groups, maybe you should stop segregating yourselves.

You know what? It would be nice, if every now and then, black people, the left, etc could say “Hey Trump, way to go”. But I doubt that will happen.

No, I’m saying if you have a comments section, you use it. Are you not woke enough to understand?

Please. Michael is too chicken shit to reply to anyone here, he just takes an email, adds his snarky racist comment, and then moves on.

Great, one story in a month.

That’s a lot of words. I can simplify it. The site is black propaganda. White peoples bad. The end.

White guilt huh? If you’re a piece of shit that’s on you. Don’t lump the rest of us in.

Don’t be mad cause you’re not wokefied.

I’m sure you would know.

Haha show me a recent article where the root was negative about a black Pearson and positive about a white one.

Go march against something with fake outrage please.

No, the media and sites like the root preach all day about how white peoples are the devil. I’d just love it if sites like The root, and black people in general can admit that they fuck up, instead of being a victim all the time.

General rule, I’m paying for the meal, if I dont want pickles or cheese, then bring me what I want. If I say ‘change the fish out for streak’, then tell me to F off. Pretty simple.

Ok, you’re right, white is always bad. ALWAYS.

I don’t have an end goal. I guess it would be nice to see the site, every one in awhile, say “yea, that black guy deserved it, the white guy was right”.