
Techinically he wasn’t a terrorist, because of the motives. But still.

White people were injured too, so....there goes your outrage?

The Root is a forum for radicalizing black men. See how that works?

Michael, you’re a stupid racist. Here’s the definition of terrorism, which this kid didn’t fall into based on the notes and recordings left behind. Yea he’s fucky, but for gods sake, quit being a racist. You’re the type of person that can’t see the first for the trees, and thank god I don’t have to be around you.

There’s no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism. Jesus.

The camera is on his chest, not his head, moron. It’s called “cutting the pie”, where you pivot around a corner showing as little as possible of yourself. Learn something before you post.

No, the whole story isn’t being told. He was reported vandalizing cars, the helicopter shows him fleeing back to his grandmas, it’s dark and he made a move. He wasn’t some innocent person in his grandmas back yard. He was a criminal fleeing from police and didn’t give up. Bottom line is if he wasn’t out being a

You dont need to learn how to weld from Youtube. Spend some time and money and find a class.

You dont need to learn how to weld from Youtube. Spend some time and money and find a class.

Oooh, go do something, badass.

Because it’s dark, and he alledgedly was advancing with his arm out in front, like a dumbass.  

If you had commenters from Root, it would mainly be “Black good no matter what, white peoples evil, Wakanda salute from a fictional country”

Good for you, nobody asked for your support. It’s fine, let them go, the girls are laughing st them all day long.

Nobody wants to see these saggy titties.

We spent about $35 BILLION last year on foreign aid, when we have our own problems. That money would have been better spent on hardening security at our schools that never have enough money.

You’re black aren’t you.

Yea....I’m incorrect.
“Baltimore also has some of the strictest laws on where you can carry a firearm, going far beyond Maryland’s already strict permitting scheme. Baltimore’s gun-free school zone law is so strict that even police officers aren’t technically allowed to carry guns inside of the city’s schools. Yes, you

Why? Feelings don’t change facts.

Trust the tide pod eaters. That’s smart.

Because they know nothing of the world and the bigger issues besides their immediate circle.

Baltimore has one of the strictest gun laws and highest murder relates, next to DC. How is more regulation going to help?