
Laughed really fucking hard. Good job

Thanks alot! Now I want KFC...YES I know its fucking 6:30 in the morning and YES I know i shouldnt eat that stuff at ANYTIME...but you’re the one who brought it up. Why am I yelling?! I’m sorry

So you weren’t beng racist? lol ok, whatever you have to tell your self to feel better about what you said, and probably say on an everyday basis.

If it were a white dude making fun of the way an Asian talks, that’d be racist. I’m full blooded Japanese, moved here when i was 12. Got a lot of shit for the way I talked. It’s not fucking funny. But just because it’s one particular race making fun of another, you think it’s ok, right? It’s not. You’re part of the

But if a white person were making a joke about “talking black” IN ANYWAY. It’d be racist, right?

You know, thats a pretty good analogie. Reality show. I blame us all. Every one of us. Deep down, some sick part of us wants to see how f’ed up this is all gonna be. And it’s largly reality tv’s fault. We’ve all watched some of it. Any of it is a crime. But as a society, we are all to blame. We’re in some deep shit

Don’t get me wrong, Trump is a fucking tool. But if I (Asian) were to say “Talk like a black”, that’d be racist, right?

You’re right. Jim Brown wasn’t an important figure at any point when it comes to social injustice or civil rights...

If you think that Hilary Clinton was beaten simply because she is a woman, then you need to pay attention to what’s going on out there. Even the press, who thought she was going to steamroll, said that there were a lot of pissed off people out there who were not happy with the last 8 years of a campaign. (that, some

Dude’s the POTUS, I would certainly hope he picks up a book from time to time.

Does anyone else think that this piece in of itself is moot? If we are going to have an actual, educated conversation about race, it’s not going to happen on THE FUCKING INTERNET. Plus, if this were a piece on what do asian people do wrong all of the time, it’d be considered racist. Every race has bad apples. And i

I try to imagine if I, or any average normal peron, do anything like this if they were THAT rich. When i think long and hard about it, the answer s a definite FUCK YES. Like any of us totally wouldnt pay some hoookers to pee or, fuck it, even shit on the bed of someone we dont like. MONEY

Will it be a joke when this dude gets his stuff “grabbed” in prison? I know i’lll be laughing when i hear about it