
I get it. Guns are bad, ok. But for fuck sake he just got there! The FEDeral government and FEDeral authorities should be involved. Harsh language and tea parties are not going to solve gang violence either. But at least the FEDeral government can provide some sort of help. To be honest though, would it have mattered

It one of the reasons we left Japan. An we run sack into it here with people like you. theroot is a hateful peice of shit place now. full of hate and fear. Keep your blinders on dude and have fun in complete ignorance! Youre not racist at all...

You preach about race and then turn around and call this guy a fag? Way to sound like a fucking idiot hypocrite piece of shit closet bigot

I’m not, and congratulations. Just happen to read articles that you comment on and some times i disagree with what you say or how you say it. Not always, but some sometimes you can come across as...hateful. Either way im done with theroot have a great day and go fuck yourself :D

That cop shouldve been fired. I also like how, on every story like this, you never comment on the things like “3 ak47's”. ?why? noone should have guns like that! its not ok! but i think i get it, so i’ll be going now. theroot is getting scary, people. hateful and scary

Oh yeah...AND im out. I am pretty sure that theroot cas become just another hot spot for racism, hate, and fear. I TRULY TRULY wish you and your family the best. I pray that you see the good things that America provides. PLEASE dont hold the hate of some against everyone else and the country they love.

Owed?!! I hate to break it to you, but there are bad guys in this world. Really sick, fucking bad people who kill just to kill. I’m sorry for you family, and i honest to God wouldnt say i am sorry if i didnt mean it. But ignoring all the good this country does by only paying attention to the bad, and YES I FUCKING

So, once again, that means that gang violence should just be ignored? Treating problems like this DO have to be done in a proactive way, but, hate to break it to you...Chicago has been dealing with this for a while and Trump JUST NOW got the fucking Presidency. Isn’t he supposed to do shit like this? Shouldnt the

Can white people win an award at the BET Awards?

Denzel definitely needed to AT LEAST be nominated for directing it.

You are absolutely right! Ricky Williams IS FUCKING AWESOME!

This isn’t about race. This is about an asshole of a human being saying something to people who are protecting us. AND that asshole of a human being gets paid lots of money and is in no way being a good role model for a younger generation on how to spend your money.

We all have blood on our hands and I totally agree with you that we have been in wars and parts of the world that we have no business being in. But saying out right that being super patriotic is a cover for being racist, sounds fucking loony to me. I love my country and where i live and it’s a beautiful enough place

There’s that “they” again. That fearful whisper “they”. “they” think less of us “they” want to ignore the problems. Well guess what buddy “they” hate gang violence, no matter where it is at. You’re just one of the bigots who think every single person of one specific race thinks and acts a certain way just because

Gangs and “guys with guns” offer youth a cheap way to belong and make it in tough areas like that. It is a roadblack on the path to prosperity. So why wouldnt you want him to take steps to eliminate one of those roadblacks? Stop bitching about it when he ACTUALLY FOR ONCE id trying to do something right and give him

Yeah fuck it right? He should just ignore the violence. Just say “Hey everybody, i am going to make every fucking pice of property, every living quarter the exact same price. 1 bedroom flat: $300 a month! 10 bedroom mansion: $300 a month! This will surely show once and for all that anybody can live near anybody if we

What happened to the crime rate after “stop and frisk” was implemented?

Actually this country is pretty awesome, even with it’s flaws. As an asian-amaerican veteran, i am proud of the fact that i busted my ass to make damn sure that it stays awesome. You of course dont need to think about the countless people who have died to make sure that you live in a country where it is ok for you to

Blackpipo: “you racist fuck! Apologize for the fact that some of my relatives may have been slaves!”

Because all white people must change, right?